BEST SUSHI PLATTER (Salmon Hamachi Octopus Seagrapes). This sound is incredible

5 years ago

This video is about phenomenon specializing in eating, whispering ASMR content. The woman in this video performs the way how she makes people feeling that "tingling" runs through the back of someone's head and spine by using sound of tasted when she was eating. ASMR is the term for the sensation people get when they watch stimulating videos or take part in other activities — usually ones that involve personal attention. Many people describe the feeling as “tingles” that run through the back of someone’s head and spine. Others say the feeling is deeply relaxing, and can even cause them to fall asleep. People get the feeling of ASMR from various triggers. Some people enjoy role-plays in which someone gives close personal attention and whispers, while others like videos that show incredibly mundane tasks such as spraying a water bottle, tapping, stirring a bowl of soup, or crinkling wrapping paper. Others are triggered by more elaborate role-plays, which can vary from someone acting like a doctor to getting a haircut. (I tend to prefer simpler videos, which I find very soothing and tingle-inducing.)
People also appear to grow tolerant of triggers if they listen or watch them too much. So it’s important for ASMR video makers to keep things fresh, and for viewers to make sure they don’t overplay that one amazingly tingly video.
Thank you for watching my video

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