Nancy Pelosi -Pelosi: 'Collateral Damage' For Those Who Don't Share Our View, 'So Be It'

6 years ago

Respecting the dignity and worth of every person in our country unless they disagree. What steaming pile of crap she is. I think Adolph Hitler also had similar beliefs.

How do you "respect the dignity of every single American" while in the very same sentence, broadcast that for "those who don't share our views" it's ok to exact some "collateral damage?" Pure forked-tongue 'politician-speak' meaning" if you don't do what we say, you'll find yourself in jail, a hospital, or the morgue. She just declared civil war.

They're openly telling us that they want mob rule, anarchy, lawlessness, and so on to further their agenda. I don't understand how else this should be taken other than you are dangerous. These are the same people attempting to pass legislation that will strip individuals of their rights to self-defense. Even Dems on the street with any semblance of reality know that the party has gone off the cliff and can no longer be supported.

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