Compassionate Cat Nudges Owner After A Play-Dead Prank

6 years ago

Often times when we think about loyalty in pets, the first animal that comes on our minds is dogs. They are known to be man’s best friend, and we usually hear and see amazing things from dogs. There are many videos of dogs online doing incredible things for their owners. Sometimes they pull them out of danger or attack when someone threatens them. However, the main hero in this video is actually a feline! Check it out!

Previously, we have seen many videos of dogs caring for their owners when they are sick or get very excited to see them when they arrive home. In a nutshell, all those small things that we don’t see from other pets too much. Normally when you get home, a pet cat won’t be waiting for you by the door with its tail wagging, or won’t attack an intruder. Cats aren’t really thought of as the most loyal of pets, but this cat in this video is here to change your mind!

However, there have been few videos online where small puppies are doing CPR on a human that falls over. This video isn’t quite the cat doing CPR, but we’ll take any help one can get from pet cats! The cat is more checking on its owner after a fall. This video was probably made just to see how his cat would react if something was to happen to the owner!

Footage shows a cat perched up sitting on a coffee table, when the owner walks in from another room. Suddenly the owner collapses to the floor right next to the cat! The owner lays on the ground acting like he is passed out on the carpet. He is obviously waiting to see what kind of reaction he can get out of his cat. As he lays there the cat looks down at his body on the carpet. It is probably wondering what in the world just happened!

The cat continues to just stare at the man, after a while you are probably thinking, “We knew the cat would do nothing!” Finally the cat looks like it might be a little concerned with what’s going on with the owner, after all, he is still on the ground. The cat walks to the edge of the table and hops off to assess the situation more closely! When the cat is on the floor, it paces around the man, probably still wondering what is going on. It manages to find some time to rub against the couch a little bit too. Surprising, isn’t it?

Can’t forget to get the scratches in! The cat is near the man’s head and you can see it nudge the man. It rubs its head into the man’s hair and gives it a sort of “wake up” nudge! Realizing this strategy is not working, the cat decides to move to the man’s face and starts licking his nose. Obviously the man is still staying passed out, so the cat has to try another tactic! This time the cat moves to the ribs and try to nudge him from there.

It looks like the cat is trying to get under the man and push so he can finally wake up! After a while it cuddles up next to the man! This cat showed loyalty to the owner, the owner must be so proud he has a caring cat!

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