Furious Cat Doesn’t Let Her Owner Go To The Hallway

5 years ago

As much fun as pets and animals can be, they also can be pretty mean and annoying! They are very much like kids. They can do very cute and innocent things and give you lots of joy and love, or they can be real brats and they can be quite a pain to deal with. Take for instance this angry cat in this video. This owner was going to create a video showing her house, when her angry cat took over. Cats can be quite moody animals, and although small, they can be quite frightening! Those claws are oftentimes very sharp and cats are quick and nimble. The cat ends up barricading the owner in and the owner continues filming the cat having a little tantrum.

Thankfully nothing happens to the owner of the cat, but seeing this small cat getting so angry is pretty interesting and funny! The video starts and the cat is in the hallway staring at the owner. You can hear what sounds like a baby crying, but no baby in sight. The owner walks more towards the cat, wondering why it is in such a bad mood, and you realize that the cat is making the noise! It sounds exactly like a crying baby and you never would have guessed it was the cat! You can already tell the woman is scared to walk through the hallway since the cat is guarding it.

The lady is trying to record a tour of her home but the cat is standing in the hallway. She is a little scared it might bite and as she tries to pass through, the cat hisses and gets ready to pounce. The cat lunges forward and tries to swipe at the woman walking through and lets out a big screech. The lady instantly backs up and lets out an “Aaaahhh!” This cat is in a very bad mood!

The woman retreats to her room, still trying to figure out how to get by this angry cat! She tries to talk to the kitty nicely and calm it down, but it isn’t working. The cat is still screeching at her and even starts to chase her a little! It continues to let out its cries and just stands in the doorway so she can’t pass. The woman must be quite surprised her cat is acting like this! The cat backs away a little but quickly comes back when the woman tries to run towards the hallway!

She tries one more time, but this cat isn’t giving up. The cat pounces once more and the woman lets out a big shriek accompanied with laughter, tool. She is probably thinking to herself how funny this situation is, she is a prisoner to her own cat! At one point the cat even chases her all the way to her bed! She rolls over to one side of the bed and the cat follows her, but then she comes back on the other side and makes a run for the door. She closes it behind herself laughing and leaving the cat in there to calm down! That cat must have been in a really bratty mood today!

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