Dog Drops Ball On Street To Force Strangers To Play With Him And It Works 100% Of The Time!" 😂❤️

5 years ago

Dog wanna play catch and fetch with strangers. He throws the ball down all the time when he recognizes people cross the way.
Fetch is a game usually played with a dog. An object, such as a stick or ball, is thrown a moderate distance away from the animal, and it is the animal's objective to grab and retrieve it. ... In rare instances, cats, especially younger cats, have been known to engage in fetch behavior. If your dog is of the “sit and stare” variety, your first goal is to teach him to chase after the object you want him to fetch. Generally speaking, there are three ways to do this, depending upon what motivates your pup: you can offer him affection, treats, or play for retrieving the chosen object. Whichever motivator you use, the process is basically the same. Encourage your dog to go after the item you want him to fetch. When he grabs it, reward him with his motivator of choice, then take the object away. Repeat this a few times, then toss the object a short distance. When he goes for it, immediately reward him again. Repeat the process until you can reliably toss the object and get him to chase it. Want to encourage her to give chase even more? Try holding his back after throwing the toy. He’ll naturally tug against you, especially if you offer verbal encouragement while still holding his back. Once you finally let go, he’ll be after the object like a rocket.
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