Dare to Venture Out on the Limb of Faith

1 month ago

Podcast conversation about real-life experiences where we grow in our faith, courage, and obedience personally and through Holy Bible examples. Every one of us learns, in various ways through life experiences, to emphasize the importance of stepping out in faith in God through Jesus Christ by The Holy Spirit to achieve the “abundant life”. In this chapter from our 1st-ever audio book from TTM, we illustrate our necessity to take courage using the metaphor of building tree forts and pursuing the specific goal of building the very best tree fort in the very best tree. The Fruit’s at the End of the Limb includes the Holy Bible stories of Abraham and Peter, highlighting how their acts of faith and courage in The Holy Trinity led to significant Life blessings and great reward. The Shealys and Toward The Mark Family encourage listeners to trust in God and take bold steps toward pursing oneness in The Holy Trinity in pursuit of their divine assignments, assuring them that God has more in store for those who dare to venture out on the limb of faith.
22 min., 05 sec.
Based on Toward The Mark book, "LETTERS FROM THE FRONT" available now;
Chapter 8 entitled, "The Fruit's on the End of the Limb"
#TowardTheMark #BetweenTheLines
WHERE TO FIND US (Be sure to check for any TTM resource specials mentioned in the notes for each post.)

- Our Website: https://towardthemark.com
- Sign up for our newsletter: Keith@TowardTheMark.com
- Order Keith's first audio book, "Letters From The Front": keith@towardthemark.com/lftfbook
- Order Keith's second book, "Overcoming Intimidation": keith@towardthemark.com/overcome...
- Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/KeithAndBrenda
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KeithShealysTowardTheMark/
- Email Us: keith@towardthemark.com
- To drop us a line:
PO Box 1152
Yorktown VA 23692-1152
- To support us through PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=Z8REL84ZKMT8Y
- The music in this video may be part of Keith Shealy’s inventory that is available upon request for a financial gift amount of your choice… mp3 or compilations of mp3 projects, like “Between The Lines” and “Toward The Mark”, are in stock.

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