Try Not To Laugh With These Witty Kitchen Pranks

5 years ago

They say that the kitchen is the place in the house to prepare food, but these jokesters see it as the prank center of the household! Appliances that we use every day, like sinks, fridges, and cabinets, become practical-joke weapons! Just hope no one is hiding in your fridge.

Nothing is more disappointing than cutting into a cake that you're excited about and can probably taste already, only to find that it was a covered balloon. When you're not expecting that one it'll get you. It certainly got this woman as you would have thought she was preparing for a scary movie or a horror movie. She let out a scream that the movie industry would be proud of.

History shows that kids are unbelievably scared of the water sprayer when using the faucet. This is not a new trick however it is an effective trick when trying to spray someone in the face with water.

This dad thinks it is absolutely hilarious to scare his son as he comes around the corner by slamming two pans together. As he lets out a laugh his son almost runs completely out of the house.

This dad never saw it coming when his wife jumped out of the refrigerator. The wife thought it was the most hilarious thing in the world. We're not so sure that the husband agreed with her. And then the infamous water sprayer strikes again on this unexpected man.

It's usually not intended to countdown one, two, three when pulling a prank on yourself because well it takes away the excitement of the prank. By counting down before you complete the prank you know exactly what's going to happen. While there is still a hilarious Factor because of what the prank is the timing of a crank sometimes is what makes it's so hilarious.

This little boy never expected this to pop out of this can. As he reads on the can that they are supposed to be delicious he reaches to grab a chip. That is one of the most realistic snakes I have seen pop out of a can. Typically they are long and slender but this snake looks like an anaconda.

It is a wonder that the people that jump out of refrigerators got into the refrigerator in the first place. Shirley to complete a few seconds of a prank people did not take out all of the items in there refrigerator. Or better yet they did not buy different refrigerator and place it there for this prank. One thing is for certain though you would not expect a person to be jumping out of your refrigerator.

Oh no, there is no way that I would quickly forgive someone for putting a bug on food. The mental aspects that go through the person's mind had they eaten the food is almost too much to bare. This simple garbage bag trick is totally worth a Halloween scare. Just be prepared for someone to beat you up as they initially think that they are beating up a bag of trash.

Balls coming out of cupboards and water being left under glasses are some of the simple pranks that you can pull. Kids are typically easy to pull pranks on however you will find a kid that is completely unaffected by a prank. Like the little boy that cried and information he wasn't aware of but a child get scared by something in the dark and barely flinches.

Picture it you're going on about your day-to-day life and then all of a sudden you get a horn blown at you in the middle of your kitchen. Totally unexpected and totally hilarious. April Fool's jokes are some of the best times to pull a prank however in the last few years most people have tried their tricks days before April Fool's or days after April Fool's. One thing to remember when performing some of these tricks is that some people do not think they are funny. So be careful who you pull a prank on.

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