Elizabeth Warren Touts New DNA Results Linking Her To Native America Heritage

6 years ago

Senator Elizabeth Warren has released an analysis of her DNA showing that she has Native American blood.

An analysis of Warren's DNA sample showed she had a Native American ancestor in her family dating back six to 10 generations. The release of the analysis comes after President Trump has mocked her repeatedly for her claim that she has Native American blood and called her "Pocahontas." Critics have charged that Warren has advanced her career with a narrative she is a descendant of Cherokee and Delaware tribes.

A report released Monday says that the majority of Warren's ancestry is European but there is strong evidence to suggest that she has a Native American ancestor. A Stanford professor, Carlos D. Bustamante, who was awarded a MacArthur genius grant for his work tracking population migration via DNA, performed the analysis of the DNA, according to Warren's office.

The report notes with 99 percent confidence that five genetic segments on DNA were identified as "Native American in origin."

Warren's office also released a video to YouTube, "Elizabeth Warren's family story," which directly addresses the attacks on her heritage by the President and includes interviews with her family. A "Fact Squad" website with links to the DNA report and supporting documents was also launched.

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