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Apophis 99942. Trumpet 1 - 3. Hurtling Towards Earth. 2029.

1 month ago

Found a rock that looks and feels like a piece of meteor. So heavy.
Sits in my backyard now as a constant reminder of the incomings.

What Obama signed an Executive order for in October 2016.

Obama born: 4.8.1961 + 20,160 Days (216) = 6x6x6 = Rev 13:18.

= Obama's Space Weather executive order. 13th October 2016.
Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events.

+ 6 Months 12 Years (216) Movie Passengers. B612 Foundation. The Little Prince. Neil deGrasse Tyson has spoken of this.

= Apophis 99942 = 13th April 2029.

Obama climbs Koko Crater Hawaii. Tuesday 22nd December 2015.

Obama went to Hawaii every year for holidays 2009 - 2016 as President but doesn't climb Koko Crater till 22.12.2015. Now you know why.

+ 4861 Days = Obama born 4.8.61.

= Apophis 99942 13th April 2029.

14 of the 21 events of the 66th book Revelation.
= 7 Trumpets and 7 Vials. = Space Weather.
21 = United Nations Agenda 21. Rio. Earth Summit Agenda 21. June 1992.

United Nations and International Standards Organization collaboration.
UN 1945 + 84 Years = 2030. 84 Obama.

ISO 84 Climate Change. Antichrist Obama born 8.4.
ISO 42 Net Zero. Antichrist Obama bringing in the Biometric Mark 666 "Net Zero" in and by the last 42 Months called Great Tribulation.

Movie Hitch hikers Guide to the Galaxy. Number 42.
"Life the Universe and Everything"

The Bible says the wicked turn things upside down.

999 is a 666 right side up 42 = Revelation 13:5. Great Tribulation.

Apophis is Obama the man and the incoming Trumpet 1 - 2 - 3 of the Wormwood prophecy.

Please watch more videos as I have shared much on our COLLECTIVE REALITY.

Time to really wake up. Sharing is caring.