Senator 'Man-Hater' Attacks Susan Collins Over Decision To Back Kavanaugh

6 years ago

“She said she thinks that Dr. Ford thinks that she was assaulted, which is even more insulting than saying that she gave a very credible account,” Hirono told Bash in a follow-up interview of her own that aired Sunday. “I certainly believe Dr. Ford. Anyone watching her testimony would know, I would say, would conclude that she was being very truthful, and the one thing she that recollects with 100 percent accuracy is that Judge Kavanaugh, Brett Kavanaugh assaulted her.”

Hirono then amplified her criticism of Collins, expressing shock that her fellow senator would claim Ford didn’t know with certainty the identity of her attacker.

“To say that she thinks that Dr. Ford thinks that she was assaulted — what is that?” Hirno asked. “Is she mistaken?”

Hirono added that Collins has spoken to assault survivors, suggesting that she should be well aware of the challenges they face in speaking out after suffering in silence.

“All of us have been hearing stories and accounts from survivors going back many, many years where they kept all these painful, traumatic accounts to themselves and this is what happens with sexual assault survivors that they do not come forward,” Hirono said.

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