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(2009) Fed Chairman Ben SHALOM Bernanke asked where $500 Billion USD went.

1 month ago

Elon Musk @elonmusk
All aspects of the government must be fully transparent and accountable to the people.
No exceptions, including, if not especially, the Federal Reserve.
Feb 9, 2025 · 6.4M Views

Wall Street Apes @WallStreetApes
Why is Elon Musk supporting Ron Paul leading an audit of The Federal Reserve such a big deal?

Because The Fed has NEVER had a full audit, or full disclosure of monetary policy decisions

Example: The Fed got caught doing HALF A TRILLION in swaps overseas with no oversight

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke was even questioned about giving this half a trillion in swaps to the central banks overseas:

No one gave the approval and he says he doesn’t need approval, “We have a longstanding legal authority to do swaps with other central banks — It's not an emergency authority of any kind — Section 14 of the General Federal Reserve Act”

“Half a trillion dollars. And you don't know who got the money?”

This level of corruption is beyond comprehension and it’s been going on for decades.

Libertarian99: The US Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE CORPORATION since 1913 that does NOT answer to the US Government. Biggest SCAM on the planet but people go along thinking everything is normal in our world. Print money out of THIN AIR and charge REAL INTEREST on it by the tax payers.

Most people would call that COUNTERFEITING & causing inflation for HIGHER PRICES of GOODS, & the COST OF LIVING, etc....


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