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Jim McMurtry

1 month ago

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  • Great Job Derek! Your using your platform wisely. We must lend our ears and hearts to our people who are being vilified by this demonic system. Never give reference to the Rachel Gilmore type of people because all that does is give those types of people more voice for corruption and money for views out of curiosity. We basically have to drown those platforms with people who are making a difference. I'm a writer more than a podcaster so I'm all over podcasts sharing what I have learned in my own way. Many Canadian podcasts I don't bother because they only serve as barf parrots of no value. They just grift regurgitating yesterday's news to system slaves that don't change the trajectory only keep the masses pacified with no solutions to offer. Much respect to all those making a difference having difficult painful conversations providing strength and courage in the face of demonic corruption.

  • excellent guest and interview derek.

  • This is a podcast that needs to be heard from a whistle blower that was inside the Dark Luciferian system of control and how their minds work and their network that has infiltrated our entire Institutions for their control and power over we the people. https://odysee.com/@woeih:e/Mark-Passio-Interviewed-By-Greg-Reese-2024-10-27:1

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  • First thumbs down I ever gave you, that guy was a wet fart.

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  • Here you go folks...We are ruled by the School of the Ancient Mysteries. It doesn't matter whether you believe in the mythology or not, the bloodlines who rule this world do! The religious texts are all coded with Greek mythology and should never be taken at face value because what happens is, people participate in a SCRIPTED life and that only brings pain and suffering. We have to understand what we are dealing with to navigate this construct and remain connected to Devine Source not Man Gods who play God with our lives. It's easy to live when we remain true to our Devine Nature not entrapped in the material world view. I highly recommend that you get out of debt, stay away from crowds, connect to real people not fake people "normies", store a few months of food and supplies and rotate to keep it fresh for a period of time when things go sideways coming up to the breaking of the 3rd seal. There is no need to panic just get your houses in order. You will see events happen according the breaking of the Seals. Those who are not aware, will succumb to living a myth not reality. Get out into nature folks and have some fun. We have a beautiful nation to be explored and enjoy with people of like mind. We simply are not meant to live scripted lives. Fear is debilitating when your living a myth. Be your own prodigy not someone else's protege. Stay healthy, eat real food and stay the hell away from Apollo Pharmakeia. Get yourselves the Lost Book of Herbal Remedies and grow your own natural medicine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwZuA9ahxOQ

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  • There seems to be quite a few similarities between Canadian native "claims" and those of the 6 million loaves of burnt bread. Now, denying any of it occurred will be prosecuted. Right on track. The natives will see a backlash on this eventually also. Appreciated this teacher sharing. Folks should look into the bs occurring within the gov funded NSCC system here in NovaScotia. Complete and utter bullshit. Funding the system and the instructors with little interest in producing good trades people. Teachers unions are woke and corrupt. #PeaceAndRespect #GodBless #BiblicalEarth #FindTheCreator

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  • Is he related to John McMurtry? He looks a lot like him. John is a legend, my philosophy teacher my one semester at Guelph. RIP

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  • Criticizing "victimhood narratives" is an abstraction that denies the vicious, 1-sided, antiwhite global system of morality and policies. I don't expect reparations, but you won't see me replacing White well-being with some false abstraction that continues to leave the White race defenseless.

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  • I'm curious and I have a question for each of you with your own perspective. Throughout history it is a time of "Age"; Bronze Age, Steal Age, Dark Age etc... Apparently, we are living in the Modern Age. If you were writing about history during this Age what would you "rename" the Age we are currently living by your own perspective not how we are told to name it? Let's have some fun and tell the controllers what we really think this "Age" of time is....HAHAHA!! I think it's the "Dumb Down Age.

  • Double speak = Double think. Revelation of the method is to move the masses in the direction of confusion. These Alternative platforms like Jones, Carlson, Owens, even Stew Peters is to incite magic book religious wars. This has been going on for thousands of years. People need to understand the parasite class are NOT religious. They are a Death Cult who claim to be Gods of the Earth and religion is only a tool used to divide and conquer. Their headquarters is the Vatican NOT Israel. Israel is only a distraction. You can bet your ass World Dominance is controlled by the Vatican. They are the Adversary to Creation. Free Masons are not religious they are Secret Society Cults who hide behind religion and obey the Black Pope. The white Pope on the world stage is a distraction to who is really running the show. Free Mason's brand themselves as Corporations and we can see their Cult symbolism as their trade mark. We are up against a network of bloodlines to which there are 13 of them. They interbreed and intermarry with each other to keep their wealth. The Military Industrial Complex are the Jesuits. Satanism is a mindset of extreme narcissism where these people believe they are Gods and we the people are their slave class cattle. There wouldn't be any wars and there would be peace if people didn't beLIEve in Man Gods to save them; Priest, Monarchy or Politicians who claim they are your higher authority. https://odysee.com/@januszkowalskii1979:e/Alex-'Never-Jew'-Jones-Exposed-as-Jewish-Gatekeeper:b

  • The psychopath, sociopath, extreme narcissist Man Gods all think the same about their cattle slaves and are working in Unison for the Vatican, Black Nobility Global Dominance of the entire Earth. Look at all the Nation's flags behind the podium. Obumma made it very clear that people are too simple minded to rule their own lives. Probably the only time he spoke the truth and it didn't even phase the "normies". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXR6QBUnpEg