Stray Dogs Ride On Moscow’s Subway On A Daily Basis

5 years ago

If you happen to be riding the subway in Moscow be sure to bring along a dog biscuit or two. Strays in the city know how to get around on the subway, which makes it official: commuting is for the dogs.

Watch this amazing video of stray dog’s learning their way around Moscow’s subway system. These smart canines have figured out how to ride escalators, make their way through busy lobbies and get onto the subway, just like any other Moscow citizen. Packs of wild dogs are finding warm, safe corners of the Subway to cuddle up and get a good night’s sleep. They can be found all over the subway and are completely harmless. They have become a part of the Subway and most people don’t even notice anymore.

These stray pups have taught themselves how to properly navigate the city’s subway and it really is impressive! They can be seen walking around with the people coming and going to work. Some dogs live in the subway full time while others “commute” from the suburbs. These clever canines travel downtown on the subway on a daily basis, going to find where there are more people and more food. They know which stations to get off there they will find tourists and large masses of people who are willing to sneak the dogs a treat when no one is looking.

These smart little dogs don’t mind being in crowded platforms and love to get attention when a passerby reaches down for a little petting. They have even taught themselves how to use escalators to get around. This video shows them walking up the escalators on their way to their destination. They know to recognize their destinations based on smell, landmarks and even the announcer’s voice. Just like any other dog, they are capable of understand certain words and learn what those words mean.

These stray dogs actually ride in the subway cars beside the people. Daily commuters have made friends with these canines and know to bring treats and food for them and often cuddle up with the dogs while on the subway, giving them some much needed attention. Friendly passengers are remembered by these smart pups and they know to look for them everyday on the subway, hoping to get more food and be pet while on their travels.

When the day comes to an end and there are no more people, these crafty canine commuters head home or go back to their subway space for the evening until the morning comes and they do it all over again! Just like all of the passengers on the Moscow subway, these dogs have a job to do and it really is amazing to see the people and dogs live and travel together in such harmony! No one seems to mind them on the Subway, actually it is the opposite. Many daily commuters look forward to see their favorite pooch everyday and most pack food and treats to give them on their way to and from work.

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