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BrightLearn - Good-bye Germ Theory by Dr. William P. Trebing

1 month ago

Dr. William P. Trebing's book "Good-bye Germ Theory: Ending a Century of Medical Fraud and How to Protect Your Family" challenges conventional medical wisdom, arguing that germ theory is a fraud and that diseases are the body’s natural detoxification processes, not the result of pathogens. The book criticizes modern medicine for suppressing symptoms with antibiotics and vaccines, which hinder the body’s healing and contribute to chronic illnesses. Modern medicine is described as ineffective and dangerous, containing harmful ingredients linked to autism, neurological disorders and autoimmune conditions.

For more videos, visit BrightLearn.ai
Find a copy of this amazing book here: https://www.amazon.com/Good-Bye-Germ-Theory-century-medical/dp/1413454402


  • 0/2000
  • As a school nurse, I see 5-6 year olds have as many as 20-25 injections. Autism, asthma and diabetes in youngsters is WAY up. Still, the indoctrination is too strong. Sadly, I cannot get parents to do any research.

  • thank you

  • Beauchamps was right.

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  • excellent job.

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  • This was common knowledge not even 2 decades ago.

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  • Way to go, Mike! Let's bury the Rockefeller pharma beast once and for all!

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  • Agree completely. As a follower of Mark and Sam Bailey and others I have learned Terrain theory and now believe that vaccines are 100% risk and zero reward...

  • My crazy flu shot induced, narcolepsy "doctor" still wears a covid mask 24/7 in 2025 -and "believes" in "germ theory"... PLEASE pray for me?! 😞

  • As a child, back in the mid to late fifties, (I am now 74 year old) my mother always said, there is no such thing as sickness. It is merely the body trying to get healthy by getting rid of toxins in order for the body chemistry to come to a proper balance, which is what good health is dependent upon. She said the worst thing you could do is to try to stop the "symptoms" like most people did with pharmaceuticals. She always let our cleansing periods take their natural course and made us stay in bed until one day after the cleansing symptoms stopped. She would give us herb teas, water, and unsweetened, unfiltered organic apple juice,and if we were hungry, whole wheat toast with raw, unfiltered honey straight from the comb. If we had a fever, she would cover us in blankets in order to "sweat it out". For my whole life, whenever somebody told me they were sick, I would say, there is no such thing as sickness. It is merely the body trying to get healthy by getting rid of toxins. Their "symptoms" were simply the body expelling the toxins, and the worst thing you could do is to try to stop the "symptoms". Every single person would just look at me with complete uncomprehension and some would just laugh at me. My mother, of course, was laughed at as well. In 1979 my son was six years old and ready to enter first grade. We lived in a tiny town in NW Montana, and there was no kindergarten. Elementary was first through sixth grade, and there was only 25 or 30 kids per grade. He was completely unvaccinated and they tried to prevent him from entering first grade. I stuck to my guns and fought it out, and they finally gave in since he was the only child in the entire school who was not fully vaccinated. He went through the entire six years, and was the only child in the whole school who never missed one day of school due to "sickness". He did have three cleansing experiences during that time, but to his disappointment they all fell on holidays or summer vacation.