Man catches small Great White Shark close to shore

5 years ago

This video shows a man fishing with an unexpected catch. He is fishing close to shore which usually means fish of a smaller size, as fish that are from open waters or the deep sea, won’t be caught.

To his surprise, moments into what seems like a relaxing afternoon fishing, a big one gets on the line. He struggles to reel it in, bending the rod and shifting back and forth in an effort to pull the fish from the ocean. After a few moments of struggle, the line goes slack, and as he continues to viciously reel in the unknown beast, we see exactly what it is, and the truth is shocking… A small toy shark.

The shark looks to be a Great White Shark, and although in actuality it isn’t the real fish, it is still the truth that he reeled in a Great White Shark. The unexpected toy shark is one you might see in a bathtub, swimming around the soapy suds with kids as they scrub themselves clean. With its blue-grey body, red gills and white belly, it has all the distinctive features of a Great White Shark, only as a small child’s toy instead.

Great white sharks are killers in open waters, who snacks on seals, otters, dolphins and a large variety of other marine mammals. They are among the largest fish in the world, and are feared predators, gaining much of their popularity in the mainstream media after the film Jaws was released.

The smile of the fisherman at the end of the video relays his mirth that he’s pulled a prank on the viewer, who expected a larger and more fearsome predator. It was a joke from the start, with the rod being tugged and bent to look as though a great struggle is happening to reel in a big fish, when in reality, it was nothing more than a toy to begin with.

The actions of the fisherman fooled the viewer, who expected a Great White Shark, but got a practical joke instead.

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