Dem Senator Coons Going Into Hearing Thinking Burden Of Proof Is On Kavanaugh

6 years ago

In the wake of the allegations made against Kavanaugh, Coons said Monday that he believes the SCOTUS has the “burden” to disprove them at Thursday’s hearing instead of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford or Deborah Ramirez.

Well, MacCallum had some questions for the Democratic senator.

“Since when in this country is that the way this works?” MacCallum asked.

Coons responded by clarifying that this isn’t a “criminal trial,” saying “neither” Kavanaugh nor Ford should “be on trial” at the hearing, but insisted he “has the challenge of persuading” members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“And so does she, correct?” MacCallum chimed in. “She also has the same challenge.”

The senator repeated that Kavanaugh still has “the challenge,” adding that Ford has “nothing to gain” from her testimony since her accusation has led to harm to her and her family and that her accusation is “credible.”

“Don’t they both bear the burden of proving their own credibility?” MacCallum asked. “And why would you walk into this situation having already decided that she’s credible, what you just said, and that you don’t think he is? How could you already be at that point?”

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