Dog Sleeps Between Two Straw Chairs With His Feet Dangling In The Air

5 years ago

Let’s face it, we all know dogs are incredibly weird. Not just like how they occasionally bark at nothing or how they fart on us with no hint of remorse. We’re talking about how they sleep, snooze, and nap in the strangest and most uncomfortable positions .

Are you curious if your dog is the only one that sleeps in weird positions? The sleeping positions of dogs usually varies with their mood. Sometimes, your dog’s sleeping position can reveal a lot about their personalities.

Dog logic is a very special kind of logic. It’s the kind of logic that tricks dogs into getting stuck in dog beds and convinces pups that they don’t have to hide their whole body while playing hide and seek. In this video, the Jack Russell is snoozing with his body stretched on two straw chairs - the hind part of his body is on one chair, while the front part together with his long, sleepy face on the other one. How about his front legs? That’s the weirdest thing about his sleeping position - his front legs are hanging mid-air between the two straw chairs. We are out of of our depth as to why this dog has his body placed into a seemingly uncomfortable position? However, he doesn’t look stuck, just a little bit squeezed. Why being comfortable in a doggy bed or an actual human’s bed when you can be packed in a tiny gap? We will never find out what makes this sleeping position ideal for the sweet Jack Russell. Is it because he feels like his front legs are being totally relaxed and stretched or just because he likes being the center of the Universe with his follies?

Nevertheless, he may be small, but he is definitely full of character and nothing and nobody can ruin his sleeping experience. Knowing that Jack Russells are famous for their stamina, it means that this dog will come out perfectly fine with the situation he has put himself into.

He is undoubtedly a joyful addition to the home!

Dogs love to sleep. They tend to have a rest whenever they feel tired of playing and running around the house. This video is just another example of a doggo who decided to take a nap on the streets of Vietnam. Funny thing is, he doesn’t care about the people or the noise around him… He is chilling to the maximum!

Unlike people who are usually awake during the day, then sleep at night, dogs do not have a regular sleep regimen. They catch several naps during the day and the amount of sleep depends on their age and breed. Every pet is different so. The laying puppy was so into the ‘’chilling mood’’ that he didn’t care about the man talking and trying to wake him up. The guy who took the video said: "It's so cool, so this dog rolls out here to sleep, no need to care about people around."

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