Missiles, Crypto, War Oh My!

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Cause Before Symptom - With Your Host James Carner

Missiles, Crypto, War Oh My!

Over the past week, there has been an insane amount of plane crashes which look like uncannily like missiles. Or could it be meteors? Wernher von Braun told Carol Rosin, his assistant on his death bed, “First the Russians will be the enemy, which in 1974, they were the enemy and were going to build space based weapons that will come and get us via satellites. Then the crazies, which are men in caves (now known as terrorists) and third world countries will be the next enemy of concern, which will need us to build space based weapons. The next enemies are astroids, in which he chuckled when he said it, and this will give us the excuse to build space based weapons. And the last card, Carol, and this is the funniest one of all, aliens will be the enemy. This will be the final card, Carol. Remember Carol. This will be the excuse to build space based weapons against the aliens.”

Wernher von Braun was one of the Nazi scientists taken from Germany after world war 2 during project paperclip where America and Russia split up the smartest Germans and took them in for creating weapons for themselves. Especially for rockets. The Russians took the biological team of germans with some rockets scientists and Americans took most of the rocket scientists. Russia focused on DNA and genetic manipulation while America focused on antigravity, fuel and transistors. The space race wasn’t about being the first in space and on the moon. It was money funneling to build weapons against the people for control. From my research, after the Bolshevik revolution, the Rothschild family took over Russia, which also had control of America via install of 3 central banks. Whether they control Russia now is hard to find.

The events of today can be traced back to this death bed confession. On his tombstone, it reads, “19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament sheweth his handywork.” Be it a message or warning is up to the reader, however, all we really have as proof our government is using other things as a boogie man against us to keep control is hard to find. The Military Industrial Complex as warned to us by Eisenhower before he left office has perfected keeping secrets for as long as 20 years through compartmentalization. All we have from the billions spent on the space race is a flag on the moon without any resources or much knowledge to be used for the people. In fact, we are told the technology to get us to the moon had been accidentally destroyed. How convenient.

The unclear videos we have received so far of the 7 accidents of planes getting hit over the last week do not align with the typical speed of a plane nor look like that altogether. We are being groomed for something as these answers must come out soon to prevent upheaval, and three scenarios could be presented from the corporate controlled media. One, this could be the false flag attack on American citizens to declare war on China, two could be meteors which the world will come together under peace to fight against the big one these little pieces are coming from, or three these are coming from aliens and disclosure happens where again they need to bring in world peace to fight against the hostiles. If it were an actual attack from another country, whether Iran, China or Russia, it’s strange.

A war strategy could be at play here. Where a country is subjected to frequent, small-scale attacks or provocations, is often referred to as "attrition warfare" or "war of attrition." This approach aims to wear down the enemy over time by inflicting continuous losses, rather than seeking a decisive, large-scale battle. The goal is to exhaust the adversary's resources, morale, and will to fight, making it difficult for them to sustain their defense or counterattack effectively. Last year a Louisiana oil refinery was on fire and yesterday one in California. Passenger planes are falling and killing civilians every day and the media blames Trump’s firing of the FAA chief. If we were under attack, the government and media are acting like these are normal occurrences most likely trying to buy time.

But that doesn’t make any sense. If it were an attack, it would have been used already as we know the pentagon has a hard on for war right now. Remember, we are not with those behind closed doors and may not know the extent of what is happening for years to come. But we can make guesses by analyze each scenario and using occam’s razor. Let’s go over the 3 posibilities of what is going on. A fake attack from another country using war of attrition via false flag, meteors or aliens. Let’s dive into meteors first. The news has been releasing information about near misses for years. This is always being left open as a backup in case the people find a way to revolt and the powers lose control. I don’t buy that. The media isn’t saying anything other than this was just accidents due to poor software and regulations. I am ruling out meteors.

Next are the aliens. The new age movement is growing but has not surpassed Christianity. Bashar is missing and the orbs are talking to people in what we are hearing in the UFO community is a 3 stage disclosure to wake us up. The people believe in the egg story where an ancient Egyptian has been in stasis until this time of destruction thus presents himself as a being who will fix the planet. I think this is the Antichrist idea but they skipped the meteors. Agenda 2030 has been pushed up to 2025 and after my report last night, I do not think Project 2025 has anything to do with it. Although using Christianity to usher in climate change awareness is a stretch as many Christians don’t buy that. Neither do I. This doesn’t look like an attack by sophisticated lasers or beam weapons. So we can rule aliens out.

This leaves missiles and America is actually under attack by some entity. This is where we must really use discernment and wisdom. Russia is a defensive country when it comes to America. It knows America has more power and would not start a war this way. If they were to attack with missiles, it would most likely be above the surface nuclear EMP to disable our energy grid and attack. Or release a virus. But not attrition warfare unless they can convince America that it is an attack from within and not Russia. China, Iran and North Korea would be similar. They would not go about it this way. This leaves terrorism and the source is America. A few scenarios can be offered. We know there was a public an attack on Trump during his first term and after. More than we have ever seen in our lifetime.

This could be a political war between liberals and conservatives. That is if this narrative meets the criteria of a free political system where the left and right are actual enemies instead of friends. This theory holds little weight as this is what the media and corporations want us to know publicly. As if they want us to blame one side or the other and not look at the big picture. On the surface level, this means one of the parties is bringing the war from television to physical and on its own citizens. This isn’t good for elections, so we can rule out that the democrats or republicans are firing missiles at our planes. This leaves clandestine underground terrorist attacks on US citizens where the media must keep this quiet in order to avoid a stock market crash. Who are these terrorists? Could be bankers like the Rothschilds. They could be throwing a fit now that Trump is president and this backs up the whole Q and the white hat thing. I want to believe that one. But Trump and his actions continue to keep harming Americans by tariffing our own country. I’ve heard this is on purpose to cause a recession to get us in a playing field for something. What that is could be Crypto. But we just don’t know.

It could be the Military Industrial Complex as the war with Ukraine seems to be going away thus they need an excuse to go to war. Would the generals fire upon their own citizens? They’ve done it before, so absolutely. What would they gain? They would continue to be number one and funnel monies to create new weaponry. Since, lather, repeat. We know they begged congress for 2 trillion under Biden to go to war with China. This could be their last attempt to continue the flow of money. Who knows, it could be just one general with hacking software that can change what we see via our radars. It wouldn’t take anything other than one person inside the server room and an incentive to add the malware. However, that is just the collision of the plane commercial plane and the black hawk. This would not explain the missiles or why airplanes look like them now when they crash. I lean towards missiles. I am confident they are missiles. But who is firing them?

It’s not Trump. It’s not Biden. It’s not Russia. It’s not China or North Korea. Israel wants Iran. No one else. The pentagon can create this catastrophe and start an American war with Iran by blaming it on hackers. This seems to be the most logical scenario and favorable to Trump, Biden, The Pentagon and Israel to cover up their war crimes. The moment the press blames Iran that they hacked the FAA, Israel will have justification for war. Once Iran is destroyed, this could help foster in the 10 horns or economical regions that the Club of Rome has wanted since 1970. A new world order under 10 Kings. During a war with Iran, Trump could take Canada and Greenland while no one is looking and that is that. Now, the problem with Iran being attacked by America, NATO or Israel is what will Russia and China do? Will they bite the bullet and defend Iran or be too scared and their bluff is called and allow it. We know Putin doesn’t want a war, but they are pissing off the money changers.

The last thing I have when it comes to the simplest explanation is that there is no identifiable trend. None of these incidents are related to each other or share any causal factors. There’s been other plane crashes worldwide in the last couple months, too. At the end of December, one in Russia, and one in Korea. Both of them were fatal crashes. Then there were also two other plane malfunctions one in Canada and another with a plane landing in Norway that had a hydraulics failure. So it’s not an isolated incident. Heightened tensions are at an all time high as TikTok being suspended temporarily and Trump getting into office giving Elon Musk the keys to our finances. Naturally, everyone is jumping to conclusions and afraid of what is happening because the answers that we receive aren’t what we want to hear.

I like the movie Men in Black, the original:

Kay: We do not discharge our weapons in view of the public!
Jay: Man, we ain't got time for this cover-up bullshit! I don't know whether or not you've forgotten, but there's an Arquillian Battle Cruiser that's about to...
Kay: There's always an Arquillian Battle Cruiser, or a Corillian Death Ray, or an intergalactic plague that is about to wipe out all life on this miserable little planet, and the only way these people can get on with their happy lives is that they DO NOT KNOW ABOUT IT!

This is so true on so many levels. There always is a threat to national security from a suitcase bomb, to a missile attack and so on. America has been able to dodge these bullets and save our necks every time. The pentagon has said we have avoided many nuclear war scenarios due to computer glitches, hackers and war games that there is too much to count. World war will destroy everything including many of the too big to fail companies. Someone has to pay for the next one as America’s credit card has declined. The Rothschild’s and other corporate entities have bled us dry and Trump seems to be looking into it. Meanwhile, Africa is on the radar for all countries as its resources have barely been touched. A central bank needs to be put into place there first so another continent can pay for the next war because even Europe is spent. Logically, if I were to rule the world, I would use BRICS as my next bank to fund it and place a bank in Africa, South Africa to be exact and start that economy off. Just like in 1913 when America received its credit agency through the Federal Reserve Act.

We mustn’t worry about world war three until the next central bank is set in Africa. When that happens, it will take ten to twenty years to get that economy booming to justify world war to make the africans pay for it. Just like Europe and America’s people paid for both world wars, civil wars and revolution. These missiles are just a distraction from what Trump is doing. He’s overhauling everything and getting us primed for war. It’s coming but the pieces are not in place. The powers that have been controlling the narrative, if you could believe in such a wild conspiracy, have through secret societies, setting the world up for their new world order and the game plan is way more complicated than any human can understand. This is why I believe the secret elite have help from fourth dimension beings who can see our dimension from beginning to end. Through black magic, they have been following the orders from the sons of might who again have returned for their come back.

It wouldn’t surprise me if Trump is getting help from the secret societies to steer the public towards societal danger to get them off from Trump cleaning house to bring in the fourth reich. I want to be wrong, but the data seems too clear to me. The coincidences are too similar from Germany pre world war 1 and if it worked in the past, by all means, use it again. Although we can’t predict what the powers are doing now and each move of the piece on the board, we do know that they are all in on the final move. As if each country has accepted something of a lie to fulfill the new world order. And if not a lie, something has scared them into having no other choice. I believe the latter. A fourth dimension or parallel dimension beings called the sons of might who have a power far more advanced than us could bring a lot of persuasion. Especially when they want what they had before the flood. Full power and control over the Universe.

Now, back to the missiles. If Trump were with the white hats as Q proposed, they would stage all of these events in order to keep the people safe. Could you imagine the amount of work this would take? The amount of people, actors, directors involved to plant, remove, add and subtract vehicles, planes and people, let alone direction of explosives and access to footage manipulation and more. To stage it so perfect, the media can’t manipulate or counter the story for the benefit of the elite. I don’t see how they could pull this off unless they, or the white hats, had control of the media. However, if Elon is in on it with the white hats, which his demeanor suggests otherwise, they wouldn’t need the media, rather X to pursued public opinion. But Elon would need something in return for help with the white hats. What could this be? He has a car company, battery company, tunnel boring company, social media company, space company and is now dabbling in investigating overspending in the government.

Trump could have promised him contracts for his companies to set them up for life as Elon would be building railways underground connected city to city, cars for the grid, batteries for the cars and continue putting up satellites and internet. Almost as if it was planned all along. It’s too convenient as if this was the plan all along. This is why I don’t trust him. His corporation could dominate the others and monopolize based on favor because he helped get Trump in for 250 million dollars and X manipulation. Chump change investment for such power to get inside the purse of the government. Something isn’t adding up. And what is weird, Elon released DOGE coin years ago after his dog and now it is called Department of Government Efficiency. Come on, that is no coincidence. Maybe what we see is one side wanting RIPPLE and XRP to be the government’s crypto backing and Elon wants it as well. I am glad I got in on DOGE early as an investment.



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