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POV Camping on the Econ River

1 month ago

Hello everybody! This video comes to you as a viewer suggestion. I started making POV videos recently, and a viewer saw my post on "The Muddy Feet Oasis" that I was going camping to the Econ River and suggested I make a POV video about. Warning, this is a long video, probably one of the longest I have made so far. I got into details of this trip, from docking, traversing the waters, seen tons of scenery, arriving to the river bank, setting up the tent, and lastly going back the next morning. Hope you guys enjoy this video.


Best inflatable boats for the money in the market today "Saturn from Boatstogo": https://alnk.to/dAlSim0

The model I was using "Saturn SK385XL": https://alnk.to/dewmkJJ

The outboard I was using "Hangkai 12hp 2-stroke outboard": https://amzn.to/3HNuFfk