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15 seconds

Creative Destruction

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What is alleged to be ethical matters of “social justice” in society often benefits the top percent of humanity — those holding the pursestrings — most. At the intersection of business, climate change, capitalism, pension funds, environmentalism and pollution is control. We are facing a situation in which those in power seek to “control the population through mass delusions.” Do you have the knowledge and foresight to circumvent this cruel fate? Watch “Good Morning CHD” with host Meryl Nass, M.D. and her two guests, Michael Ashley and W. David Prescott, to learn more about the agenda of control in our modern age. Don’t miss it!


  • 0/2000
  • No. U.S. is not an evil country at all - starting or fuellinh 90% of all wars and coup d'etats since 2nd World War (probably over a hundred by now). Pure Angel (as long as not back in my yard).

  • Very interesting conversation!

  • John Kerry is Skull and Bones. Don't believe me? Look it up. This is not being orchestrated by "liberals" -though they are sure useful idiots and the environmental movement was hijacked. This is coming from the elites. The bottom up movement to capture all major municipalities, counties and states into promoting carbon neutral smart cities (where most of the population will be herded and controlled) came out of Rockerfeller funded UN initiatives. The 1992 Earth Summit in Rio De Janiero, chaired by oil millionare Maurice Strong, was the culmination of a process started in the 1970's by eugenics minded elites that captured environmental causes. This summit created a law that was adopted by 178 countries to create "climate friendly" policies at the local city, county and state level . The hand maiden in the US at the time was George H W Bush (whose family funded Adolph Hitler, BTW) and it was later enacted by Rhodes Scholar Bill Clinton, by creating the President's Council on Sustainable Development (which included among its members Ken Lay of Enron). The PCSD funded a grant to the American Planning Association to design a legislative guidebook. The result 9 years later was a document called "Growing Smart Legislative Guidebook: Model Statutes for Planning and the Management of Change." From that time, "Growing Smart" became the bible of all public planning in the U.S.. By 2002, every planning department at every local city, county and state began implementing its statutes. It was in this time too that all the intense scare mongering about "global warming" began, obviously as the primary method used to induce the population to accept the polices which the elites were slowly implementing.