Ten Deep Sea Creatures That Seem To Come From Another World

5 years ago

The ocean can be a very scary place. Many people fear the ocean because of how big it is and how much about it we do not know. There can be some scary creatures down there that we have never heard of. If you are someone who is scared of the ocean, watching this video will not help you. Most people are aware of lots of ocean animals. The ones we know are usually close to the surface level and others can be seen at the beach, movies, or an aquarium. These sea animals can be jellyfish, fish, sharks, whales, dolphins, stingrays, and many more.

They can be scary, such as sharks, but most would consider them scary because they can be dangerous. The real creepy looking creatures live in the depths of the sea where there is no light. Most people do not know what is down there because we have never been down there and these creatures aren’t in aquariums. This video discusses 10 deep sea creatures that look like they come from another world. Be prepared to be creeped out and amazed!

One of the crazy creatures that live in the oceans is Chauliodus sloani. It is also known as Sloane’s viperfish. Just the name alone sounds pretty terrifying, a viperfish. Viper is a popular deadly snake and this fish looks like it can be deadly as well. It looks like it has the body of a common long fish but once its face is shown, it looks different. It has big beady eyes and giant sharp teeth. It is sure to scare anyone that comes in contact with it. Another scary fish is bathysaurus ferox, better known as deep-sea lizardfish. This actually does look like a big lizard that swims on the bottom of the ocean. It has a long thick body and some seriously sharp teeth. You would not expect these creatures to be from our world, but from a fantasy horror movie. It is amazing that they actually belong to our oceans, but in reality, we have never seen them.

One of the interesting creatures on this list is the Kiwaidae. These creatures look like crabs, but are much scarier and usually have characteristics that are different from crabs. The ones shown in this video look like a crab but with long spikes all over it. It looks as if a child wanted to draw a crab but made it much “cooler” by adding spikes to it. It looks pretty frightening and it must hurt to step on one of those! Another is the Psychrolutidae or better known as the blobfish. This is a very creepy fish because it looks like it has the face of a cartoon character. It kind of looks like the face of Squidward from SpongeBob SquarePants. It looks funny but at the same time, very creepy. There are many more fish and creatures on this list. The oceans are very interesting places and these deep sea creatures definitely prove that!

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