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What is a Large Cap Stock?

1 month ago

In this short [What is a Large Cap Stock?] video , we will be exploring the concept of large cap stocks and its significance in the stock market. A large cap stock refers to the market capitalization of a company, which is the total value of all its outstanding shares in the stock market. Companies with a market cap of over $10 billion are considered large cap stocks, and examples include giants like Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon. These stocks generally make up the top 70% of the stock market and are known for their stability and lower risk compared to small and mid-cap stocks. Investors often turn to large cap stocks for their steady and consistent growth. These stocks are also referred to as blue-chip stocks, representing well-established and financially strong companies. So, the next time you hear the term "large cap stock," you'll know exactly what it means. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more informative videos. Thank you for watching!

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