Teenager Acts Silly After He Gets His Wisdom Teeth Out

5 years ago

There is nothing sillier than someone right after they’ve had their wisdom teeth out. The drugs a dentist gives to their patients to alleviate the pain and to keep them sedated during the surgery can mess some people up pretty bad and this young boy is clearly one of those people! His reaction is super hilarious!

This teen is so giggly and funny when his parents first wake him up after the procedure. His head is all wrapped up in gauze, his eyes are all clouded over and his slurred speech makes him sound like he has spent the night out drinking beers with his buddies!

When his parents and the dental assistant try to get him to get out of the dentist chair and into a wheelchair, it seems like an impossible task that the teen boy cannot accomplish under the influence. When his Father asks if he is ready to move, the boy just response in a slurred voice "OK", then just sits there, unable to move. The assistant starts by getting him to move just one leg and then the other one. "I can't feel my toes" the boy giggles, "I can't feel my back, or my arms or my face and anything else whatsoever." he jokes in a drugged up voice as his father and the assistant desperately try to get him out of the dentist chair and into the wheelchair so he can go home.

When the boy states he cannot stand up in between hilarious laughing fits, his father and the dental assistant are forced to help him by carrying him by the arms and lifting him up to his feet. When he finally reaches a stand, he excitedly announces to everyone in the room "I'm standing up!" in a very celebratory and wavering voice.

When he is finally placed into the wheelchair, which has seemed like the biggest accomplishment of the young man's life, he goes into a slump, throwing his head back and announces "That will do it!" When the assistant tells him that he should be proud because he said he would never be able to do it and he did it, he yells out with his eyes closed "I did it, thank you so much!".

The assistant starts wheeling him out of the dental recovery room at last and the boy tells her in the most hilarious and entertaining way "I really enjoyed this!" Who, we wonder, really enjoys getting their wisdom teeth out? We wonder if it was really the drugs that he really enjoyed?

We have all seen or at least heard of people waking up and acting drugged out of their mind after a dental surgery. The reason for this is dentists typically use nitrous oxide, or commonly known as laughing gas, on their patients prior to the surgery. This gas which is administered by a mask that covers the nose and mouth helps dental patients to relax and become sedated for the surgery, but after they awaken, they find that their bodies go limp and they think everyone in the room is hilarious!

Have you ever been given laughing gas at the dentist? Tell us your stories in the comments!

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