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15 seconds

Momster Math

1 month ago

I think the saddest thing I see mothers do is use the internet to air their dirty laundry with their ex. They do it because they want validation and to hurt their ex but in the end the ones who really end up getting hurt is the children

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Men Need To Be Heard, is dedicated to bringing awareness to the issues men and boys face in today's society. Our goal is to help break the double standards and myths that surround boys and end the bias against them.

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  • 0/2000
  • Thank fk you didnt show any more of that Lyft ride reject

    1 like
  • My son is 26 now and his deadbeat mom still owes me over 10 Grand in back child support. They have never locked her up. She has ALWAYS been delinquent since my son was 18 months old when I got custody. She NEVER got the account up to date.

  • Has this woman Looked in the mirror lately