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Horse Powered Healing

28 days ago

Jen Zoe Hall shares the power of horses to guide humans toward self-connection, and healing. Zenerjen Foundation Center provides a sanctuary for horses and humans that allows for interaction, introspection, growth, and empowerment, for and between humans and these amazing creatures

Elisa V’s Information
FOR PERSONAL HIGH VIBE™ LIFE & DIVORCE COACHING WITH ELISA V: Contact Jane @ hittingtherestartbutton@gmail.com to schedule a strategy call TODAY.

Linktree: https://linktr.ee/hittingtherestartbutton
Rumble: Livin' The High V.I.B.E. Life
Website: www.HittingTheRestartButton.com
The High VIBE™ Show with Elisa V: Livin' the High Vibe™ Life! on Transformation Talk Radio Network (Every 1st & 3rd Monday of the Month @ 12:30 ET/9:30 PT)


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Jen Zoe Hall Information
Facebook: jen Zoe hall
Instagram: @jenzoehall
Phone: 407.412.0252
Email: Jen@zenerjen.com
Free Gift: https://go.zenerjen.com/optin

Disclaimer: We are not offering financial nor medical advice in this podcast, we are only documenting our journey and experiences. All opinions expressed by the contributors are their own opinions and not necessarily those of the XRPQFSTeam and Livin' The High V.I.B.E. Life creators.

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