Dancing Students Perform Awesome Optical Illusion

5 years ago

This video shows a group of students performing an act that contains a very interesting optical illusion. Once you start watching, you cannot look away from this unique performance! These students have gotten very creative indeed. Check out this amazing optical illusion dance performance put on by some very talented students. So cool!

The way they have pulled off their illusion is actually quite simple, but very well thought out. Namely, each member of the dance group has the same costume. One side of their attire is done all in black, and the other side is all in white. When they link arms and begin to move, it looks as if there are people where there actually aren’t. For example, they all move the white part of their legs at the same time, while they keep the black colored part of their legs behind. Then, they repeat the process and do it the other way around which makes it look like there are headless people jumping up and down. The two halves of each neighboring person seem to create one single body, when in reality, each “person” is really made of two dancers. This is really cool to watch. Black and white in perfect harmony!

They perform several different moves, which all give a different perspective. Surely there was some meaning behind the purpose of doing this, although it may be difficult to uncover or figure it out. Some possible meanings could be that the students are trying to portray a theme of unity and togetherness with community in general, or perhaps they are trying to shed some light on the current racial issues that are prevalent in the country. Going with the latter, this could be a really interesting theory. It could be saying that even though white vs black can feel or look separated, when you take a closer examination, we are really all one in the same. Much like the yin and yang theory. What an optical illusion!

Perhaps this is the message that our young teens here were trying to portray. You never know with teenage brains though! If these teens did have a purpose of trying to show a sense of unity among races and possibly bring some peace and understanding to the seemingly never ending racial unrest, then we have to give props to them for that!

It is always fulfilling to see young people grasping hold of the concepts linking with social issues in our society and trying to do something about it. We can talk and talk all day long, but maybe we should all take a page from these students’ books and see that sometimes, you may have a bigger impact by creating a platform built from unique talent and different ideas. We would like to see a bigger variety of teens dance in unity for better humanity. They have perfected a few pieces to a routine here that are just absolutely adorable, but perhaps a little bit more would have made it even more interesting.

Either way, we think it is safe to say that these teens are a hit! The crowd seems to love the performance, and more importantly, the kids seem to be having an absolute blast with this routine! We certainly hope they keep up this pace and continue to create and spread positive messages throughout the world!

Authored by Emily Michelle Meredith

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