Talented Gecko Flaunts Its Acrobatic Skills Dancing On A Rope

6 years ago

A curious video has emerged of a talented gecko rope dancing, much to our amusement. This groovy reptile took the Internet by storm when it caught enthusiastically dancing on a rope, swinging in the middle of the room. Hilarious footage, filmed on May 24, 2017 in Rome, Georgia, USA, shows the critter in the best of light. Watch how it sways as it flaunts its skills! Incredible!

When owner took this video of their crested gecko by the name of Hecko they didn’t expect the critter to become a rising star. The modest owner caught the reptile being silly and started recording its every move, hoping for the video to become viral When we first saw this video, we couldn’t help but watch it over and over again, as we couldn’t stop laughing. Take a look at this gecko’s dancing skills and decide for yourself. Hilarious!

Aerial dancing is a modern dance when the dancer is suspended in a harness from a rope in a vertical position and tries to defy gravity by testing weightlessness in the air. This talented gecko may be the best rope dancer we know as it performs acrobatics on a rope with flying colors. Did you think the reptile practiced for its public performance or it was a natural thing to do! Hanging from the stretched rope above the floor, this gecko sure loves being in the spotlight. Cuteness overload!

Every pet owner has a favorite game they play with their pet. Whether it’s playing fetch, tug of war or just plain hide and seek, playing games with your pet increases the chance of accomplishing a deeper bond with your animal. Apparently, this owner found a dark horse in its gecko pet! Adorable!

Pets are amazing creatures that bring joy into our lives and make the world much better! They should be treated with the utmost respect and care because they are a valuable member of your family! They may be hard to raise, but the memories that they bring heavily out way the challenges!

However, this is not the only dancing pet we’ve seen so far. Check out this other video of a dancing parrot. One day, Onni tapped his feet on a table while playing with his owners. They thought it was so cute that they mimicked him by drumming their fingers back at him on the table. Next thing they knew it was a game with them going back and forth! His tap dancing developed more and more over time. So then they taught him to do "stompy feet" on the floor and furniture!

The clip shows him playing peekaboo with his two owners and every time he “finds” his owner, he does his own little happy feet dance! Simply precious. Please share this amazing and funny clip with your friends and family as it will surely make them smile! What do you think about this video? Make sure you tell us more in the comments down below. If you like what you see, don’t forget to share it with others who might like it as well. It just might be the highlight of their day!

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