Inmates Put On Costumes To Play Shakespeare Behind Bars

6 years ago

We are beyond impressed with this amazing program catered to the inmates wanting to become better people and more productive members of society. This is something that really should be going on in all prisons. This is definitely without a doubt a controversial issue though. Find out more!

There are many people who believe that this kind of effort and special programs shouldn’t be put into prisons for inmate rehabilitation. The reasoning behind that belief often stems from the thought that inmates have done something they should not have done to even land themselves behind bars in the first place, and therefore, these people believe that putting this much effort, this much time, and this much in resources and extra materials is not only a waste of time, but they also believe it is unfair.

Some may say that these resources are then being taken away from those who have been productive members of society for their entire life and haven’t been involved in activities that would put them in a prison. However, our argument to this belief and mindset would be as follows. Obviously, a common goal for everyone would be the hope and prayer that the number of people committing crimes that put them in prison would reduce. The question is, how do we get there as a society?

Well, growth of a community, society, and nation will always start with education. That is true to any issue, any problem, any community. This education does not only refer to traditional classes or “book learning” either. Education comes in many forms. This group of people have created their own unique form of education through Shakespearean plays and performance. Now, if there are people out there in the world trying to make us a better society as a whole through positive change and positive experience, should we not absolutely be supportive of that?

We understand the point of view about millions of dollars being poured into the prison system, and we get the frustration there. However, sometimes, people have to get past their egos; we have to get past our jealousy and our own shortcomings, and we have to recognize that we have to put in the work and resources to build something meaningful and purposeful. If this experience causes an inmate to be released and stay released without reoffending, then does that not make it totally worth it? We think that it does!

Remember that these are people we are talking about here, not just bodies. These are human beings with families. These are daddies and brothers and sons and husbands. There are people out there who care about them. Specifically, if these programs help even just one inmate to grow as a fellow human being and perhaps raise their child better than they would have otherwise, that right there is enough to make more of a positive impact on the world. That right there makes everything worth it. That is what really matters in life isn’t it?

What do you think about this video? Make sure you tell us more in the comments down below. If you like what you see, don’t forget to share it with others who might like it as well. It just might be the highlight of their day! Enjoy!

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