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15 seconds

15 seconds

i have been doing this all my life, just not w/ a camcorder

19 days ago

we can't miss all the bumps in the road
i already lost what i was playing earlier
i gotta get back into comedy, i haven't been in a month due to this shingles bullshit
i love singing words super fast, it cracks me up
i have a lotta respect for musicians that do whatever they want regardless of how their audience receives it
the fast lane ain't for people going the speed limit
night time is chill time
i am more comfortable in my car than anywhere else in the world (we love you, thelonious)
the weed has been spiked
believe it or not this is better than it was
we have this device that checks our tire pressure n fills up the air if needed
i guess we're not gonna anything happy for the rest of the night
almost 20yrs of doing the same shit
never meant to be conventional
most strive for companionship
being "delusional" is a reason not an excuse
i understand my experience n i'm fine w/ it

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