They Did WHAT?
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Deport leftists to hell.
These Antifa satanists and muslim rats is why German needs firearms in the hands of the people.
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While most on the left are indeed evil right now, they are also terribly brainwashed & sick. Many will repent when the truth is shone to them & they will be pissed they were lied to. That is why in communism the minions are always killed off once the war starts. Think about it. While the people at the top who are fully aware of the plan to destroy the west & kill off whites ARE wicked & unsave-able. They will FOR SURE be going to hell. They enjoy hurting innocence & goodness. Just ponder this for a bit. A brainwashed crazy leftist is NOT the same as a baby raping murderer who loves & enjoys doing so. Ok? The leftist actually believes (most of them) that they are doing good bc that is what they are told & they trust those people like they should have trusted their parents. It's mental illness (a cult). My point is, some of the minions will be saved. So, I disagree with your comment. I was a leftist in 2016 & ended up voting Trump 3x now. I'm more hardcore than most people on the right & way more awake partly bc I have SEEN what the left does & I know how they operate which is why I LEFT THEM & I investigate stuff too on all sides, deeply & think for myself. Others do this too to different degrees especially once you KNOW you were lied to. You are more careful bc who wants to be fooled?! They just are not THERE yet & didn't have the curiosity I had or the experiences to WAKE UP yet. So you're just wrong, my friend. But it WAS kinda funny ngl =D Remember this though ok, please, evil is sin. The words wicked & evil have been intentionally mixed up in our modern society for a reason. How often do you even HEAR the word wicked used properly anymore unless it's about a witch? Help be one person to bring it back because Jesus called out the difference if you go back to the older translations. THIS WAS DONE LIKE EVERYTHING WAS, BY DESIGN FOR A LONG TIME FOR A REASON BY THE MURDERERS OF CHIRST WHO WERE NEVER YOUR FRIENDS THEY WANTED TO TAKE YOUR POWER & YOUR TRUTHs.
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Trump’s mass migration program includes sending millions of illegals back… to stop what is bankrupting the country & destroying American lives.
Germany needs to do EXACTLY the same shit. Provided that the AfD can survive the attempt by the communist left, to have them removed. FUCK ALL LEFTISTS!
when you import the cancer, you get the cancer, you die by the cancer. islam is the cancer. welcome to germanistan. you are being replaced. you are doing this to yourselves.
You are talking about headhunters. They hunt heads, just like their prophet did.
they pork and murder children, just like the infamous rapey retard they follow did.
If the Zionists in Israel and the USA stopped overthrowing Arab nations, and stopped funding their terrorist friends, there would be no desire for Islamists to find a new home, out of danger. It's obvious if you turn off the TV and think.
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Did you think up to the part where they even did THAT on purpose too? Long term thinkers these monsters are. If you guys were really smart, you'd just turn it around on them NOW & start loudly protesting w chants & signs like "ANTI-WHITE RACISM" on repeat or "GERMANS/UK/FRANCE IS NOT REPLACEABLE" or "STOP WHITE GENOCIDE" or "WHITE LIVES MATTER". "THE TRUTH IS NOT HATE" etc. Just go bananas. Let them try to say that's bad somehow. Get arrested, until thousands are on the streets chanting it. I can't wait. Report back.
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Why would a country hate it's self to extinction? Global Marxist!
This truly is a major question for the philosophers and psychologists of the future.
Not really. It's psychopaths who hate life & all that is good. J's carry the psychopath gene & imo it's where it originates from without question when you dive into the subject. Whites have done the most GOOD in the world & we kick them out of our countries (or we DID when we were smarter....). We are their enemy. From ancient times. WE are God's chosen people. They are the devil's. They hate us for it. It's pretty simple really. This has already been figured out. No need for anyone in the future to try to lol We already know. Just most have been sheltered from wickedness their whole lives & can't fathom that it is real & it hates them for being GOOD. This is an alien concept still to most deep down. They may "understand it" but not truly, they externalize it or underestimate it's true level of hatred. While these monsters who imo are basically another species & just APPEAR human (much like a dog vs a hyena), they smile in a nice suit & pretend to be your friend to your face. Normal people with normal lives have NO CLUE this is all around them & they are being deceived all the time by them.
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Jews are an infestation through their marixsm. The PM of the UK is a jew persecuting Christians, allowing the rape of kids at the hands of muslims. Jews, its always the f*cking jews.
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Funny how righteous the genocidal Zionists claim to be, isn't it? They are ALWAYS the victim.
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Guessing "Jake" there is a J lol You can tell from his "nature" lmao
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You answered your own question at the end. When you study Marxism, you KNOW the answer. The plan is never a utopian society lol It's always just a plan to make slaves serving the top of the pyramid. It's all BY DESIGN & some people fall for the lies while others have EYES TO SEE AND EARS TO HEAR. We are the few, aka the little ones in the Bible (ICYMI) for a reason.... I hope that helps settle it. This is critical to wrap your mind around so you can see the world properly going forward. With knowledge/wisdom comes sorrow - Jesus.
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More George Soros and other globalist money being spent for the right causes again, we see. Just call it The Maggot Fund. I mean, just look around and what do we see: MAGGOTS bred from maggots.
Sorry EU, Trump is busy.
I can't believe the warriors of the North have sunk so low.
Well well well.... America turned out to be smarter than all of Europe & Canada & AU combined. Imagine that. And they all love to pretend we're soooo stupid. Turns out it was always projection the entire time. Smh. Hope they LEARN this time & never call us names like that again. It's what the moronic left does here too tho. Calls the right what THEY are: Cultists, idiots & racists lmao The warriors of the North WILL RISE AGAIN from their slumber. We will not be stopped. We will not stop winning bc we are winners & God & truth is on our side. The question is, are enough people on God's side? They're waking up... it's happening. Don't forget it. Help whenever an opportunity arises. Push in the right direction, plant seeds that will sprout in the near future. Most people have seen enough of this godless, thoughtless, history-less lesson in real time to now recall the long wisdom of their ancestors. It's all kicking in & will, in full force, once Trump fixes US from this stranglehold... Then all the sudden Europe will locate it's balls again & it will be GLORIOUS! Bet. Look at Sweden rn (some of my genes, but they are too generous & free spirited & not cautious). I knew my people would figure it out & look to Finland (most of my genes, much more responsible & intelligent) who were a lot smarter about it with lower crime stats & say ENOUGH. I was right. No one thought that would ever happen either but I KNEW IT WOULD in my bones. Here we are. If it's comforting at all know I usually AM right ok, its actually super weird how much especially compared to everyone else lol So please trust that I SEE this happening, sooner than you think, and I HOPE that makes you feel better! Don't listen to the doomers. PJW is kind of a doomer. Good content but JS! I also think it's going to be a very interesting week indeed for all this to continue happening. WWG1WGA aka what we do, the world will follow. We're not just freeing US, we're freeing THE WORLD. Just watch!!!! Exciting AF
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... well now, I think we have a solution for those deportations to countries that will not take deportees back, send them to Germany, as you see they want them no questions asked
anarchy is the WEF way. embrace the EU a little harder for complete collapse of European Society.
If I had people like that in my face, I'd tear off their mask on video and upload their ugly mugs.
No balls left in Germany huh? What a bunch of fucking pussies!
All the Germans with balls died in WW2 it seems. Most likely that was the point. Murder as many whites (esp. whites w balls!) in WW2 as possible. And wow, did they do a good job at it............... but all we hear about is a measly 6M that never even happened. No one cares about the x10-15x+ of whites that ACTUALLY DIED horrific gruesome deaths. Men, Women, AND CHILDREN. Commies have no souls. If we go back to 1917, the numbers are just so high no one even really KNOWS. It's over 100M in my estimate that died in total. Maybe if they started talking about THAT, they'd also locate their balls again. Truth would set their balls free? Maybe their ancestors genes would come out of seclusion all shriveled up & tucked in in false shame. FREE THE BALLS! Yeah... Wear boxers! Briefs & boxer briefs ALL KILL SPERM AKA THEY KILL WHITE BABIES. Lol literally free the balls, men!
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How can you be pro African American and anti Musk??? Makes no sense.
I have a CHEAP simple actual solution to illegal border crossings: AI can now do facial recognition, especially ethnically .. Simple Lasers can BLIND a pilot at 40 thousand feet. Tracking software can stick to a specific spot on a face (within 1/20,000th of an inch) Put them together and you have a non lethal sentry that will permanently blind anyone who approaches within a quarter mile of the border. Step over the line and powerful lasers burn your retinas out. Simple. Cheap. Effective. Permanent . Making it Mexico’s problem. Mexico: land of the blind. Your pal Scott.
Has anyone figured how many dollars, England is losing in tourism?
trash faggitry
The festering body of Germany will soon bump up against the bloated cadaver of Britain , They will all explode due to the built up gasses and rain down on France. Nothing short of a full-on Crusade will make a whit of difference. Europe is Dead, Long live it’s Corpse.
We will keep Britannia in our memories and prayers.
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they are all libtard Muppets.. let them open their houses for them illegals.. we'll ask them while they are in hospital beds. if they would have any new illegals back in their house again.. it's a cult
They would. They'd tell themselves it was bad luck. At this point, many won't wake up until their heroes are taken away in cuffs & forced to confess to avoid hanging. Some are just living life in a complete bubble. Public trials, evidence is all it would take though. Overnight. I fear there will be a lot of suicides from minds being blown & realizing they acted like deranged fools for corrupt criminals & disowned their family etc for NOTHING. Yeah, it's going to be glorious indeed!
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The UK 🇬🇧 is now the ✡️K under new management 🇮🇱 Hence why Keir Starmer 🇮🇱 is persecuting native Christian Brits while supporting jihadists 🇵🇸 and pedophiles 🏳️🌈 and of course savage africans. Well... at least Starmer is safe when he goes to his synagogue ✡️ of 👹 satan
Oh…and you goat fucking Mudslime-ist members of the Cult of Pieces and Death had absolutely nothing to do with it? Fuck off and DIe cunt!
Look, red can be used to effect in demographics as well as 'climate change' (aka weather).
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How many of these protesters were jews???
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If it's anything like Portland, Oregon - 99.999% of them!
Like the dutch jew troll TheSaltyCheese who pretends to be outraged at this evil (unless someone criticizes jews like Barbara Spectre types and other jew filth who push for the invasion).
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"Thus the United States first war - which erupted before it could even elect its first president and intermittently lasted some thirty-two years- was against Islam; and the latter had initiated hostilities on the same rationale that had been used to initiate hostilities for the preceding 1200 years." Sword and Scimitar by Raymond Ibrahim. Islam is at war with everyone no matter where it rears its ugly head.
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All leftists take it right in the ass.
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Suicidal empathy
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"Invaders stabbing and raping our kids is our greatest strength."
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If ze Germans won't vote AfD, they're begging for Russian intervention and they won't be as lenient and forgiving as they were 80 years ago.
Germany and the UK are lost. They will be completely conquered soon.
Voting in Keir Starmer 🇮🇱 who is persecuting native Christian Brits 🇬🇧 while supporting jihadists 🇵🇸 and pedophiles 🏳️🌈 has consequences. At least he's safe when he goes to his synagogue ✡️ of 👹
He is not jewish but yes I guess his wife is and they are raising their children jewish which is bizarre, is he that much of an idiot to not realize that Moslems are his wife's and children's enemy.
France, Italy, etc...
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Nah, the US is going to actually save the day this time for reals so chill you poor Euro doomers. I know it's bad, but we will lead the way!
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True on France. Italy's PM, Giorgia Meloni, is actually coming around and fighting back so they might be ok.
Antifa = pedo satanists who need to go feet first into the wood chippers (slowest speed)
What is amazing is those SPOILED WHITE GERMAN WOMEN end up getting raped by savage mosque monkeys and africans, they still want more invasion.
The nazis loved islam and hitler had two ss divisions which murdered nearly half a million slavs. It is worth noting that slavs were also to be liquidated after the j's and considered 'untermenschen'. Iranians and Egyptians were considered 'pure aryan' stock. The 'palestinians' are basically egyptian and most common 'palestinian' surname is 'al masri' which is egyptian. The nazis trained the arabs after ww2 with otto skozeny the most famous. Many changed their names and converted to islam. Mein kampf is egypt's best selling book after the koran! The mufti of Jerusalem was hitlers personal guest in berlin from 41-45 and the plan was for him to round up all the J's in the middle east, put them in 'palestine' and finish the 'final solution'........The love affair the nazi EU continue to have with islam is largely to do with a shared nazi mentality and the fact that the culture accepts being feudal serfs. We are being forced to accept the same totalitarian fascism they experience in the islamic world, an end of freedom and a return to feudal serfdom.
Where are you getting this crap from? Some islamic bs, "Amalek"? The "Final Solution" was literally from the jews. You know nothing about history. Hitler said that always only meaning WHERE TO MOVE THEM. Look into it. NOTHING is about killing them. Zero proof of that for a reason. The only place it is said is in jewish made textbooks that do nothing but lie. No proof, they just lie & say it bc the commies WON THE WAR. Commies LIE. The final solution was a jew term goes WAY BACK prior to the war which was used SO MUCH it was a commonly understood saying, meaning WHERE WILL WE LIVE? PERIOD. You are full of crap whether you realize it or not. Everyone fully awake knows this so just STFU bc it's a fact. No one ever wanted to kill all the jews. Traitors & excessive criminals. The rest were put in WORK CAMPS. Period! The west (US) bombed all the trains so no one could get food. People staved & had diseases. THEN we bombed the work camps. Drug out the bodies and said "Look what Hitler did". How stupid can you be still not knowing this in 2025? Do you do no real research or something? 500K slavs killed by nazis is a really dandy too. You are focused on the wrong enemy, by the enemy. The nazis have been dead a LONG time. The commies are at your door who are led by the jews. But imo you're both awful. From the same family tree of Issac. You are from Esau, jews are from Jacob, brothers. (If I had to be from this rotten family tree I'd go with Esau personally if you read the whole rotten story ever!) I've had enough of hearing about your family problems & so have a lot of us whites. Shove it & fund your own wars from now on! Let's see who wins... don't really care.... hope you wipe each other out tbh. Sometimes both sides are wrong, not always a "good guy". If more ppl just realized this, the world would be in a LOT better shape. You can murder each other like animals & we will be off winning like always while your ancient family hatred destroys you both bc ur all SIMILAR AF
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How are you similar? Oh I'm glad you asked.... You BOTH think it's "holy" to lie to "unbelievers" You BOTH think it's "holy" to murder "unbelievers" You BOTH think it's "holy" to rape kids You BOTH don't care for pig You BOTH cover your heads You BOTH sing super annoying ass stuff You BOTH have nonsense languages You BOTH are brown(ish) aka not white (unless u "blended" to appear white) You BOTH are obsessed with Jerusalem You BOTH scam people & are fine with it as long as it's an outsider I could go on but I'm bored now. That's literally just off the top of my head. Oh, you're BOTH secretly gay aF
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