Together let's STOP Child Trafficking!!

1 month ago

This is raw footage from Arizona

So we already had the event, however the organization that we are putting together is called breaking the chains of child trafficking.

It is a coalition of patriots who have formed a posse to eradicate trafficking by constitutionally decapitating the head of the beast: Aka judges, DHS, CPS, institutions that have capitulated to the greed of our broken systems nation wide.

We are partnering with the Constitutional Sheriff’s and Peace Officers Association, Life Vantage, street ministries, Turning Point, Pearl at the Mailbox, Affidavit Mamas and partners who have had their children kidnapped by the gov who have written a bill called -God’s Children are not for sale exposing Title 4E and Title 4D.

Find your congressperson in this link

Pearl at the Mailbox, human trafficking awareness and education - Human Trafficking
Pearl at the Mailbox is a survivor led organization that sheds light on human trafficking in America, signs of grooming and action items to take.

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