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Tariffs Are TAXES! Trump’s #TARIFAXES & How They Hit YOU Hardest

22 days ago

In this episode of The Shannon Joy Show, Shannon breaks down Trump’s second round of tariffs, the hidden tax on everyday Americans, and why working-class citizens are paying the price.


  • 0/2000
  • Why you on patriot tv if you don’t like Trump our country has been invaded for last fucking four years border wide open the head border patrol agent guy quit because he’s seen 50 million people cross the border we have to get them out or we will no longer have a Country left I don’t know what your fucking problem is lady but fuck off the whole country told you dumb motherfuckers to shut up do it 👍 hasn’t even had time to fix shit and right off the bat you’re fucking attacking him not to mention before he even stepped in did more already than the last 16 years of fucking Democrats fucking New York trash no I don’t have a mortgage I paid cash for my house just like I pay cash for everything I don’t take loans. Seriously what the fuck all I’ve ever heard you say is bad shit about Trump.

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  • When he was in the last time he was under fire the entire time and still got done what he said he was gonna do for the most part which is an amazing feet fuck off

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  • When he was in the last time he was under fire the entire time and still got done what he said he was gonna do for the most part which is an amazing feet fuck off

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