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Samson - 1

1 month ago

The story of Samson is usually thought of as the story of Samson and Delilah. But, there is so much more to his life than that one encounter. Samson is the only person that we know of for sure who lived his life under a Nazarite vow. The Nazarite vow was a complicated ritual with very specific requirements. Samson’s lived about 100 years after Gideon and about 100 years before David.

This teaching hones in on areas that might not be readily obvious on a first pass. Foe example, did you know that angels operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit just like modern believers do? Samson was not some kind of superhero who got his strength from his long hair (what?, his strength did not come from his long hair?). Samson not only began the deliverance of Israel from the Philistines, but he also judged Israel for 20 years – making Samson a significant political figure in the history of Israel.

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