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Quantum physics and Soul energy transference

15 days ago

“I am an esoteric teacher, a psychic medium and a quantum healer. When I saw this article online i wanted to weigh in on it. Not from a state of judgement from any particular position, but because I had been to the other side on multiple occasions, and have been shown things from source. Part of quantum mechanics and quantum physics is understanding the oneness of all things. Even through the mixture of genetic material, food we eat, medicines we take, and energies that we expose ourselves to, our biological material can shift, change, and sometimes be completely altered. This is why psychics are so picky about who we allow to touch us. Many cases around the word have been reported where when someone recieve an organ donated to them, from someone that passed over, they began to have cellular memory from the person who passed on. The soul lives within every cell. This is the amazing nature of the quantum universe. 😻”
Ellen Redd/Intuitive Medium
Quantum Healing

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