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  • They hate blacks so much cuz it's easy to push race as a seperation tool... cant have whites and blacks on the same side

  • The elites have been going back and changing history for thousands of years. We are just noticing it happen in real time now. Mandele effect is another excuse to hide the truth.

  • Experiment with Humanity

  • Jesus Christ can heal us of any illness. These ignorant atheistic doctors and mad scientists are using technology to try to usurp God's power and heal people without the Lord. Everything they do is antichrist personified and if they actually cure you of anything it will only be replaced with something much worse from the demonic realm that you are worshipping instead of the power of the one true God. I wouldn't participate in any of this madness if I were you. Just my humble opinion.

  • People who put videos of their children on the internet are total morons. They aren't protecting them the way they should be as parents. Crazy people

  • I think the hate from the Elites to the Blacks is more ancient, going all the way to the Annunakies, which they were dark and ruled for thousand of years, and obviously the first Adamu was dark skinned. When those Anunnaki left 6k years ago, the new rulers were more related to the Igigi which are Greys and Whites, those are part of the Tall Whites you may have heard stories. They realy hate the Annunakies, therefore, they hate dark skin, and now that they control the human version 5 RH- Neg, which are hybrids with their genetic, they are the ones pushing the supremacist. You understand I am talking about the Khazarians. Research this, what test do the masons do when someone is going to be allowed to go over the 33 degree. Once they get that blood test, they will know if you are part of them, so they initiate you on their ways, if you are not, they will put you on a different path of knowledge not revealing the heavy stuff. Human Race vs Human Kind.

  • That’s why blacks and white need to band together and it’s over for these evil fucks but they won’t bc there to ignorant sorry but it’s the truth.

  • "They" don't hate black people, they hate all of us. what "they" want is a divide based off race, religion and political beliefs. they want us divided as possible, at wachothers throats so they can manipulate us and take full control over us. God is the one true father of us all. once we look past the color of our skin and our political beliefs, it's really boils down to good vs evil, what's right vs what is wrong

  • It’s not about skin colour, they have to pick one colour as the victim (minority) to create conflict to divide and conquer. The movies do it. News (fake news) does it etc. you just have to be smart enough to see past the bullshit and look at the why. ( not saying you ain’t smart doc:) As for other dimensions, I believe God only created one version. Not too sure what Mandela effect is, or how it happens but I am hammered by all of the original Mandela effects. It’s something else. 80% of everything is distraction. World events (not global events lol). For example the paradigm black vs whites creates news stories and they are embellished. Murders, assaults, conflicts . Also man vs woman, country vs country, if all of these matrix built conflicts and segregations stop, we win. We need to concentrate on the most important things. Love and kindness. Relationship with God and Jesus. Searching for truth, and helping one another. Thank you for what you do mate. Always enjoyable to watch. And I always give it the thumbs up.

  • Florida sunshine has been dimmed…as planned …on time

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  • Unity is why and the only reason unity brings collective thinking and prosperity. Because people would think for them selves and make better choices and decisions.

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  • wasn't that Selena catching the bloody heart😂she was crying crocodile tears online

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  • I like the show but this will be my last time watching on Rumble because of too many commercials. There are more commercials than on ota TV and it's getting too ridiculous to deal with rumble so from now on I'm only watching on Bitchute which has only one 5 second commercial and the show can be watched without interruptions. Fuck Rumble.

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  • Yes, it is the color of your skin because you have more melon in your skin which makes you have a higher vibration. If your vibration is higher, the bad ET. lizard Shapeshifters do not like your vibration. If you watch a bunch of TikTok videos, you’ll notice everyone pushing spirituality or Black people.

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  • Someone leaving a comment about too many commercials. At the most there’s two normally one if that sometimes. The commercial excuses bullshit.

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