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Rachel Maddow Calls Illegal Immigrants 'Immigrants'; Says They Haven't Committed Any Crimes At All

16 days ago

Maddow: Is that the big showy mass arrests that the Trump administration is showing off? Because, uh, they wanna say that immigrants are criminals, and so they're rounding up all the immigrants who committed these terrible crimes. We have news today that even the Trump administration is having to admit that about half the people they arrested yesterday haven't committed any crimes at all, but they arrested them anyway, right? They've made this big show out of saying they'd be prioritizing focusing on immigrants who committed crimes. Turns out that is not at all what they are doing. They are just arresting immigrants. We also have news today that while the Trump administration is insisting on using.


Hey Rachel, it is a crime to be in the USA illegally. There is a difference between legal and illegal immigrants. Maddow has never once reported or gotten upset about illegal aliens killing, raping, molesting, robbing, etc., Americans. And she has never done one show on the cost of illegals and the harm they do to the USA.

Maddow is nothing but an open-border, Democrat Party puppet.

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