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15 seconds

The Laws of Physics was defeated on 9/11.

16 days ago

When you apply them to 9/11, you’ll realize the enemy that defeated us came from within and they are being protected by agents of disinformation.
An epic rework of my interaction with these agents in 2023.

9/11 "Truthers" vs. The Seismic Evidence
No Primary or Secondary Waves Recorded
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-truthers-vs-the-seismic-evidence

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Judy kicks ass, as always! I watched ALL the 911 videos from about 2012. Then I came across Judy's work in 2016. I've never looked at any of the other 'theories' since. Stick with the evidence. Her book proudly sits on my shelf. Keep up the good work bru.

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