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Genesis 1

18 days ago

In Genesis 1, the Bible begins with the powerful declaration, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” This chapter describes the seven days of creation, revealing God’s sovereignty and creative power.

On Day 1, God created light, separating it from the darkness, calling them day and night. On Day 2, He formed the sky, dividing the waters above from the waters below. On Day 3, God gathered the waters into seas, revealing dry land, and commanded the earth to produce plants and trees.

On Day 4, He made the sun, moon, and stars to govern time and seasons. On Day 5, God filled the skies with birds and the seas with fish and sea creatures. On Day 6, He created animals to roam the earth and crowned His creation with humanity, made in His image, giving them dominion over all living things.

On Day 7, God rested, blessing the day and making it holy, marking the completion of His creation. Genesis 1 emphasizes God’s authority, order, and the goodness of His creation, with the repeated declaration: “And God saw that it was good.” This chapter reminds us of God as Creator and the beauty of His design.

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