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Creating Christ

5 days ago

In an age where the truth is as malleable as clay in the hands of the powerful, we must confront a profound deception that has sculpted the very psyche of Western civilization: the historical figure of Jesus Christ. The narrative of Jesus, as we know it, is not a record of history but a masterful piece of Roman propaganda designed to subjugate and control the masses.
The story of Jesus Christ, the supposed Messiah, is but a myth, a character conjured from the depths of Roman political strategy rather than from the annals of Jewish history. The Romans, faced with incessant Jewish uprisings fueled by messianic fervor, decided not to combat these rebellions with swords alone but with the pen of propaganda. By creating a Messiah who preached peace, submission, and love for one's oppressors, they aimed to pacify the revolutionary spirit of Judea. The Dead Sea Scrolls, stark in their contrast to the Gospels, portray a Messiah not of peace but of war, a leader expected to rise and overthrow Roman rule. Yet, in the Gospels, we see a Jesus who endorses Roman authority, a clear deviation from Jewish expectation.
This was no mere historical oversight but a deliberate act of historical whitewashing. The Romans eradicated any memory or proof of the true leaders, those who might have inspired genuine rebellion, replacing them with a narrative that serves their imperial interests. The Jesus character was not one man but a series of individuals, a composite figure designed to manipulate Jewish theology into a doctrine of pacification. The teachings attributed to Jesus—about turning the other cheek, giving to Caesar, and accepting one's societal role—were crafted to create a populace that would not resist Roman rule but would instead sanctify it.
This manipulation did not end with the fall of Rome. Christianity, as a state religion, has been leveraged by governments and oligarchs throughout history to control thought and behavior. From the feudal systems of the Middle Ages, where the Church's power was absolute, to the modern era where spiritual beliefs are co-opted by those in power to maintain control, the legacy of this initial deception is evident. Christianity has been used as a tool to justify slavery, colonialism, and the subjugation of the masses under the guise of divine will or moral righteousness.
Today, the methods of control have evolved but the intention remains the same. Governments and hidden powers use a variety of modern tools for social engineering:
Cultural Destruction: From the counterculture movements to the modern-day promotion of certain music genres like rhythm and blues, rock, and rap, there's an ongoing effort to dismantle traditional values, family structures, and ethnic identities. These cultural shifts are not organic but orchestrated to create a society of isolated, directionless individuals.
Health and Biology: The physical degradation of the populace through chemicals in food, environmental toxins, and even the promotion of lifestyles that lead to biological decline (like low birth rates and health issues) ensures a population too weak or distracted to resist.
Media and Propaganda: Television, movies, and now digital media are used to shape perceptions, lower self-esteem, and promote narratives that serve those in power. The narrative of history, as seen with the Jesus myth, continues to be manipulated to justify current political agendas or to pacify dissent.
We must reclaim our minds from this historical and ongoing manipulation. The Socratic method--a return to logic, skepticism, and clear, empirical thought, is our weapon against these forces. History, when controlled, is a tool for the suppression of truth, and thus, we must question everything. The narratives we are fed, the cultural trends we follow, the spiritual beliefs we hold—none should be beyond scrutiny.
The journey towards a new era of human consciousness—one where we are not led by mythic figures or manipulated by those in power—requires a radical shift. We must see the Jesus narrative for what it likely was: a tool of control, not divine revelation. We must understand that the same forces that crafted this myth continue to craft our current reality, from geopolitical narratives to health policies.
In this age, where information is both a weapon and a tool, we must strive for a society where individuals are not just passive consumers of culture or history but active participants in creating a new, more enlightened reality. We need to foster a culture of critical thinking, where the mysticism of the past and present is seen not as a path to enlightenment but as a veil over our eyes, obscuring the truth of our own power and agency.
The time has come to shed the illusions of the past, to embrace a skepticism that leads to truth, and to live in a way that aligns with our natural, unmanipulated human potential. Only then can we hope to escape the matrix of control that has been woven around us for millennia.

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