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Owen Benjamin | #2126 Legends Of The Guardians, Project Moon Blink + One Of Funniest And Absolutely True Things I’ve Ever Seen

Streamed on:

Mon-Fri 2PM PST


  • 0/2000
  • 5 days a week may sound like overexposure but i sure missed the show on monday. thanks owen. God bless

  • A few years ago my bosses daughter was messing with me because I talk a lot and we were having a conversation about giving the silent treatment. She teased me and said that she didn't think my husband would suffer if I quit speaking to him. I don't use that as a weapon in my marriage, but I do have a temper, and I have learned that sometimes words can be weapons. There have been times in my life that a smack to the face would have hurt less than the words that had been hurled in my direction or the words that flew from me like a swarm of angry bees. I'm not advocating smacking people although sometimes... just kidding. Throughout the fifty or so years I've been on this planet, realm, or whatever you choose to call where we live, I've learned sometimes it's better to just hush. Words can hurt and are not easily taken back. I used to lash out badly when I would loose my temper and Owen is right about not winning arguments. I am a silly woman and it only took my husband thirty one years of marriage to help me get to this point in life lol. I explained to her that when you are used to hearing blah, blah, blah consistently then the quiet is creepily terrible. She laughed and said she didn't believe it so I showed her an example. About a week later, I'll admit she aggravated me, when our conversation popped into my head. I gave her the silent treatment. I used that moment as a teachable moment and made it a little comical. I acted as if I was angry for less than five minutes before I reminded her of our previous conversation. The look on her young face was precious and the wisdom that she gained through the exchange was beautiful.


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  • Oh man your brain is fine that whole bit about sending the subverts to Greenland had me rolling. Anyone who won’t work to produce can go there as far as I m concerned.

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  • Uncovering where a lie was told is not uncovering truth.

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  • Every time they play that stupid Trump commercial do you want him for a third term Owen streams gets knocked out and I got to reboot the whole thing

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  • 'for love or money'? when you choose 'love', you get the money as well (enough anyway) doesn't work the other way round....

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  • Awesome stream, keep crushing BB

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  • Awesome stream today! Self-hate is a real problem and the adversary loves when we fall into it because your not even apt to help yourself in that state of mind.

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  • the trump tard will never ditch the tax, guaranteed 100%

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  • the moon is a plasma phenomenon?

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  • Hi from hbomb 666 and my best bud from Romania radical Petre don’t forget my superchst please codd been in hospital a while phone seized as a terrorist supply

  • Too bad the animation in this movie is crappola

  • 2 d animation is so much better for story telling.

  • 39 trillion in debt was okay, but 40 trillion is too much? Is there an exact number that forces physical change or is it a meta "weight"?