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Then Cometh The End

1 month ago

1 Corinthians 15:24-28 Then Cometh The End
Intro: Everything must end. Life comes to an end. Ball games come to an end. Christmas comes to an end. 2024 came to an end. Even God’s creation of earth must end….in order to be recreated. The butterfly was once a caterpillar. The caterpillar ended so that the butterfly could begin. I remember a Buggs Bunny cartoon. The cartoon was about an attaché case with a top secret inside. The whole cartoon was about Elmer Fudd and Buggs Bunny each trying to steal the case from each other and find the secret it contained. Finally, after fighting each other they agree to open it together……When they see what is inside they say “this is horrible, awful, the worst thing that could ever happen!” what was inside?….simply the words…..”the End!” Then the credits rolled. That was a brilliant cartoon by the creators of Buggs Bunny! The end is coming of all we know and experience. It can be awful, terrible and horrible…..or it can be unimaginable joy!


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