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WATCH: John Bolton Lashes Out Live on Air after Trump Yanks His Security Detail

22 days ago

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  • 0/2000
  • Its about time.

  • LOL

  • Count yourself fortunate Mr. Bolton, if your security detail being pulled is the worst thing that happens to you. The majority of Americans support their President now, and most 'definitely' they do not support you!

  • I always thought John Bolton was the National War Monger.

  • It wasn't security clearance he that was taken from him... it was a security detail... meaning a team of people who follow him around and protect his life. Trump took away his team of body guards.. that's all... I am sure he no longer has a security clearance as well.

  • Bolton has no need of security. He doesn't even have a job. He is not actively serving in any capacity. No one below a former president needs a security details AFTER they no longer hold the position requiring it. No former governor, senator, congressman, cabinet member, or advisor of any kind should keep a security detail or their security clearance. Both those things should end the week before the new person is sworn into office. Bolton should have lost his security and his clearance they day he no longer served his president and that should be so for every person with clearance and a security detail. It's not like anyone of them ever knew the weapons codes. Lets keep it in perspective. These people are not nearly as important as they like to pretend to be.

  • In the interest of national security john bolton should be barred from making public statements to the press on inssues of national security. As a former member of government who is not currently serving he should not have leave to make comments that can effect negotiations or relationships with foreign entities. He is attempting to actively undermine and interfere with US policy. He is clearly working against the interest of the Trump administration and the nation. Bolton is not a political pundit. He is a former employee with knowledge of sensitive information. Having received a security clearance should also entail a full on ban of any former security advisor or any former member of the cabinet to reveal or comment on those subjects publicly at all. So either the access and burden of clearance are teo separate things. Access is the ability to receive new information which ends when service ends. But the burden continues or should continue until death. Meaning if you have taken an oath are given secret clearance you are commanded to keep those secrets until your death. You can never speak on them. Violating this oath should be considered treason and punishable by death.