Guy Falls While Riding His Bike And Lands On Top Of Rattlesnake

6 years ago

While riding on a secluded trail, this dude hit a patch of deep sand that bogged down his bike and could not move any further.

As his bike came to a stop he was getting ready to put his foot down when he heard a rattlesnake directly below his bike! He unclipped his left bike shoe from the pedal and hopped up and down while trying to unclip his right shoe. He was trying to keep his left foot in the air as long as possible because he was right on top of the snake and expected to feel the bite any second.

He was able to unclip his right shoe and push himself to the left of the trail to get away from this mad-as-hell snake. That's when he pulled out his cell phone to take video. He would have stayed longer but the snake was acting aggressively an started moving toward him so he was outta there! Crazy!

Rattlesnakes (in the broad sense of the term) include one of the subfamilies belonging to the family of vipers. The herpetologists classify them as Crotalinae, in parallel referring to rattlers (due to a pair of thermolocators-pits planted between the nostrils and eyes).

One of the species bears the proud name of Crotalus - real thunders. This genus includes 36 species, including miniature dwarf thunders, about half a meter in length, as well as rhombic rattlers (Crotalus adamanteus), waving to 2 and a half meters. By the way, the last many herpetologists consider classic and the most beautiful rattlesnakes.

Rattlesnakes differ among themselves both in size (from 0,5 m to 3,5 m), and color, which, as a rule, has a polychrome character. Scales can be painted almost in all colors of the rainbow - white, black, steel, beige, emerald, reddish pink, brown, yellow and not only. These reptiles are rarely monophonic, without fear of showing intricate patterns and catchy colors.

The main background often looks like a weave of thick bands, divorces or rhombuses. Sometimes, the predominant color (bright green) is only slightly diluted by thin white and blue stripes.

Birth of the rattlesnake, the wedge-shaped head, two elongated fangs (along which the poison passes), and a tail rattle from ring-shaped cornices.

The tail vault requires a snake to scare off enemies, and its growth continues throughout life. The thickening at the end of the tail appears after the first molt. At the next molt, fragments of old skin cling to this growth, leading to the formation of a relief rattling.

When moving, the rings are lost, but most remain to serve as an intimidation or warning tool for the enemy. The vibration of the tail raised to the top, crowned with a rattle, indicates that the reptile is nervous and you better get out of its way.

The sound of the vibrating rings is similar to the crack produced by a film projector and can be heard at a distance of up to 30 meters.

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