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Part 10 Choate Handguard - Ruger Mini 14

1 month ago

AmbGun Mini 14 page

Part 1 Canvas GI Sling - Mini 14

Part 2 Length of Pull - Mini 14

Part 3 Magazine Catch and Release - Mini 14

Part 4 Safety - Mini 14

Part 5 Trigger - Mini 14

Part 6 Piston Driven Action - Mini 14

Part 7 Sights - Mini 14

Part 8 Social Credit Score - Mini 14

Part 9 Field Accuracy - Mini 14

Part 10 Choate Handguard Ruger Mini 14

During my Mini 14 field accuracy testing using the Project Appleseed AQT, the handguard got uncomfortably hot.

The stock plastic handguard has limited venting and a metal heat shield inside. I suspect the heat shield helps for a short period but once the heat shield itself gets hot it becomes a hotplate beneath your hand.

Solution? The Choate ventilated handguard.

The idea is that, while there will be more heat rising off the barrel right off the bat, it will dissipate fast enough to prevent things from becoming unbearable.

Compared to the stock handguard, the Choate is a duller and a bit coarser…a feature? Less shine and better grip? It weights almost half that of the stock…saving 54 grams

The Ventilated Choate does not cover the operation rod so your hand can come in contact with it during cycling…But it would take a pretty tight grip to impact cyclic reliability.

Getting the handguard fitted into the gas block was pretty tight. I suppose you could tediously sand it down…or just gently tap it into place like I did.

Being in the middle of Wyoming winter, I can’t yet say this is the solution to making the Mini 14 suitable for attending a high round count shooting clinic.

I’m also looking at another means for taming the whole burns where it shits issue. Coming in Part 11.