Distinguish Pre-Wedding Jitters From Wrong Choices

6 years ago

Everyone has at least a few second thoughts when they're getting married. But how do you know if your cold feet are pre-wedding jitters or something much more serious? Karin Anderson discusses if you need to take a deep breath or become a runaway bride.

Weddings and marriage can be a super stressful part of life. This is a big step someone is taking and it definitely should not be something that one is rushed into. This is a person you will be spending the rest of your life with and you have to be fully committed to each other. Most marriages end because people didn’t seem to function well together once they got married. Obviously, they didn’t know each other the way they thought they did. If you want to avoid these mistakes, you better be sure that getting married is the right decision.

This video discusses whether those pre-wedding feelings are just jitters or something bigger that you have to think about. Is this person the right person, or are you just really nervous, excited, scared, etc. Karin Anderson discusses the possibilities behind these feelings whether you are nervous with jitters or you are making a wrong decision.

Karin Anderson has her PhD in psychology and studies humans very closely. Karin claims that it is very easy, especially for woman, to have envisioned their wedding day since they were young. If they played with dolls and set up nice weddings or dreamt of being princesses, this fantasy of a nice wedding is very common. It can be easy to get caught up in the moment, in the planning, and in the extravagance, that you might not consider their own feelings on the choice of spouse. After the wedding and the fun is over, you are actually married to this person for a long time so it better be the right choice!

Lots of people get cold feet, but if these fear increases the more you think about it, then the problem should be seriously revised. This is a big life changing situation and should be well thought out. Karin poses some questions to ask yourself to see how committed you are to this marriage. “Am I more in love with getting married than being an actual spouse?”, “Am I getting married to avoid loneliness?”, or “Can you honor your vows?”. These are all big questions to ask yourself and depending on the answer, you can find out if you are in the right or wrong situation.

These are pressures we put on ourselves to what the ideal marriage before a certain age is, or how to have the perfect wedding. These pressures can lead to wrong decisions, bad marriages, broken vows, and an unhappy life. Karin talks about the people she has spoken with about this topic and some of those people are runaway brides. Although in the moment, running away from your wedding is a big mistake since you should have thought all this through before that point. Even though they ran away, they avoided making a bigger mistake in jumping into the marriage not fully committed. Karin says these runaways are very happy with the decision they have made it saved them from future troubles. She says it is much better to cancel a wedding then live your life in a bad marriage or something you are not happy with!

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