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America Faces the Existential Risk of No Longer Being Number One and Only Trump Can Fix It

29 days ago


  • 0/2000
  • Tucker, over 90% of rape gangs in UK r Pakistani tho 😳

  • No more H1B visas. Indians can stay in India and work remotely. No more Pajeets.

  • totally agree with the medical field thoughts. I was living in Australia and they had a good medical system at the time. they had caps on what could be charged. I am not sure what it is like now, I left Australia in 1984.

  • Righteousness exalts a nation- Sin brings the curse - Read Deuteronomy -the Blessing and the curse -yikes - filling this nation with heathen and barbarians that hate Israel and Christians -they hate Gods ways - without the restraint of enforcing laws and abiding by the Constitution is unrighteousness -so they carry chinese dope and barbarian gangs in and mooch off the broken till and steal farm land- Dumb wicked unrighteousness people who hate Gods ways and in place of His boundaries -exalt themselves -look at CA laid waste by greedy hellcrats and the deviant regulators of life giving water- they have the same deviant chatter and reprobate babble of those who write the DC squandering budget - a million hooks- nothing sensible or clean -- Bizarre people are the rich Americans-so Prideful they let a handful of reprobate politicians destroy their land - May Trump succeed in his restoration -God speed -That AI crap was conceived by heathen loons -the next phase in deception -Gods permitting it -the good with the bad- May the Restrainer hold in the US - May it be restored to a full sheep status - May Trumps cabinet be set in - The money brainiac today -Thats cool -May all God given resource be handled with skill - Get ready for the harvest - Oh man - Good seed sown is coming up -so isnt the bad -Birth pains - Can you imagine the US having sound American military Leaders -wow- Israel needs to prep for the days ahead -for travail -