Little girl hilariously fails at bouncy ball race

6 years ago

This little girl is all excited and ready for her first school carnival as a preschooler. A little competitive soul by nature, she can’t wait to impress her peers and parents, as well as all the family that has come to watch her. First activity is the Bouncy Ball Race. What happens next will make you undoubtedly laugh!

Little Sienna begins so well, nearly getting to the first cone without any hiccup. You can hear her Mother encouraging her along and telling her what a great job she is doing. As Sienna gets around the first cone it all starts to go wrong! She first comes off the Bouncy Ball with her face hitting the floor first. She quickly gets up, determined to continue as fast as she can to get the end. This only lasts for another bounce as she then overreaches and lands on her bottoms, to the laughs of her Mother who can’t help it watching this funny scene unfold. Sienna get up again and takes off, falling off and onto her face for a second time.

What is very cute is seeing Sienna turn to the camera at this point and laughing at her own misfortune, as her Mother starts to laugh uncontrollably. She gets on again, falls backwards on her bottom again as the laughs are escalating in the background! Up she gets one more time and almost immediately plants her face on the floor and the laughter has become so much that the camera is no longer under control, as you can hear the hilarious laughter of Sienna’s Mom.

Such a funny and cute video, as well as a great memory of Sienna’s first school carnival, and her hilarious fail! Bound to be shown back to her in years to come!

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