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The Boss

28 days ago

The Boss


  • 0/2000
  • Remember this was not a Natural Disaster. This was the result of poor management and other factors. There are funds available for events classified as "Natural Disasters".... They are not telling you that this in the news.

  • That Marxist Mayor is smiling like a hyena non stop. She should have been removed immediately, arrested and charged with mass murder. She was in Africa for a reason totally unrelated to her job, ON THE TAX PAYER DIME at the time of the fire, during a time when they had been warning of fire dangers due to poor management of ALL systems, not the least of which was no water and broken fire hydrants and massive amounts of dried brush. SHE KNEW!! We will no longer accept these lame excuses as valid. They are liars who intentionally allowed this and helped it along. At best it is mass manslaughter, at worst, intentional mass murder.