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The Truth About California's One-Party State

15 days ago

The Truth About California's One-Party State


  • 0/2000
  • Democommies gonna commie.

  • A definite communist condition - The state i live in has a WIFI surveillance system in it - and it has a neighbor Snitch program going on for Blacks and Brown BLM thugs to whine at against white people - You know Maggot ass Communist Murphy and the communist Chinese AG thought that one up -thats not just in this state people -Its all the SPYbook basement hell minions who dox WIFI passwords and read every PM - dont b deceived -Its a Google earth surveillance state US wide - any leftover SPYbook - Google Twitter are all SNOOPs - LGBTQXT666 style -Lets see if Trumps team can roll back the surveillance state --hmmm and um umm ummm -and i have PC matic -LOL

  • With all the bull crap legislation they pass out there this just fits right in with their brain dead madness . If you took that brain they have and put it on the edge of a razor blade it would look like a BB on a six lane highway. Total Trump derangement to a new level. Like cutting off your nose despite your face.

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