January 6 Victim Jeremy Brown Still in Jail Despite Trump Pardon | The StoneZONE w/ Roger Stone

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Roger Stone highlights the case of US Army master Sergeant Jeremy Brown, who the Biden DOJ has perpetrated a legal dirty trick on in order to continue to hold him in jail.

Stone interviews Brown's lawyer, Caroline Stewart, as well as his girlfriend, Tylene Aldridge, and Brown's mother about the egregious manipulations by the Biden justice department to continue to incarcerate Brown, despite his unconditional pardon by President Trump.

Brown was moved at 5:15 AM from the DC Gulag this morning to an unknown location and continues to be held in jail despite the pardon. Stone says that Brown is being persecuted because of his initial refusal to be an informant on January 6 for the FBI.

Stone also interviews January 6 victim Isabella DeLuca, who received a pardon, who reveals that federal prosecutors accused her of stealing a table from the US Capitol, when in fact, she merely touched a table top while inside the Capitol Building.


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